

How hard is an elephant kick?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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as hard as a donkey kick

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Q: How hard is an elephant kick?
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How hard is a donkey kick?

as hard as a elephant kick

What happens when you kick an elephant in the scrotum or penis as i found out that apparently the scrotom is internal placed inside the elephant?

any one who would kick an animal needs a good kick up their backside themselves (this is just for starters) so any one who would kick an elephant anywhere for that matter will probably be picked up with his/her trunk and slung 20 feet into the air!!

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use your toe and kick as hard as you can

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really really hard. My captain can kick on hard plastic and he doesn't feel a thing. Try beating that

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Both elephants and crocodiles are important species in their respective ecosystems. Elephants play a key role in maintaining the balance of their habitat by shaping landscapes and dispersing seeds, while crocodiles help regulate prey populations and nutrient cycling in aquatic environments. Ultimately, both are essential for a healthy ecosystem, so it is not about one being better than the other but rather recognizing the unique roles they play.

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yes giraffes can kick and very hard indead

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use very hard force,

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Very hard!

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as hard as you can kick it!

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all you have to do is jump kick and spin all at the same time its not that hard

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The police threatened to kick the door down.Don't kick your brother.I kick the ball so hard that it missed the goal.I will kick you out if you don't behave.

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Hard double flip