It is 15.4 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 751.07 miles according to MapQuest.
The address of the Vermilionville is: , Lafayette, LA 70502
The address of the Lafayette Museum Association Inc is: 1122 Lafayette St, Lafayette, LA 70501-6838
The address of the Lafayette Science Museum is: 433 Jefferson St, Lafayette, LA 70501-7013
The address of the Preservation Alliance Of Lafayette is: 220 W Willow Street No B, Lafayette, LA 70501-2837
The address of the Lafayette Natural History Museum is: 637 Girard Park Drive, Lafayette, LA 70503
The driving distance from Lafayette, IN to Marion, IN is 71 miles.
The town located nearest to the center between Kilgore and Lafayette is Natchitoches, LA
I attend Lafayette College in Easton, PA and according to students and faculty there, it is pronounced La-fee-ette NOT La-fi-ette.
New Iberia - Lafayette Regional Airport, LA, USA (LFT).
70 miles