make a diamond then draw a box overlapping the bottom corner draw a circle i the middle of the hat and draw a tassel coming down from the circle you drew
what other name is used for a graduation cap
how to draw a jaguar step by step
How to draw a bobcat
The graduation "cap" is called a mortar I believe. The cap and tassel have a long history of educational significance. The graduation cap today continues to signify personal and academic achievement, despite the fact it's only worn for a few hours!
A graduation cap and gown. You can buy ones at your school, at a store near you or online like
step one draw a square step step two draw 3 more squares then jionthem together.!!
how to draw the twin towers
Yes there is many websites on how to draw step-by-step too. One of them is
To draw a mushroom, start by drawing a circle for the cap. Beneath the cap, draw a stem extending downward. Add details like spots or lines on the cap for texture. Feel free to get creative with the shape and size of your mushroom!
There are many ways to draw a skeleton. You could start with a stick figure and then draw in the details for example.
go on to a site called dragon art it will show you step by step .
step 1- draw a circle at the top. step 2- draw a circle at the bottom. step 3-draw two circles at the left and right of the top and bottom circles. step 4-draw a black circle in the middle of all those circles. small tip- you're better to do those 4 circles in red or orange.