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Alot of colleges look down on kids in high school playing more than one sport

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Q: Does being a 2 sport athlete in hs really count on your college resume to a big public univ?
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Would you state on your resume that you had a college degree?

Absolutely! A resume' needs to show your educational and employment history. There are great websites to teach you how to write a resume'.

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Yes, you should.

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The short answer is skills, interests, and experience. The details of how to make those stand out on a resume is long with many opinions. The following are several links with opinions on how to make your resume stand out.

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List some college contribution and achievement for post-graduation resume?

Topper or hosted any events in college..,,,participation in any college events..

Where can one find information on how to write a good resume?

One can find instructions on how to write a resume in many places. Examples of such places include the library reference/help desk, online resume-building websites, and a school's career center.

On a resume application do you put collage first or high school?

Typically, education is at the bottom of the resume. High School info isn't expected on a resume, just make sure you spell the word College, correctly ;)

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One semester of college could be listed by date (September - December 2013) or by the number of credits earned (15 credit hours). Follow the format of the rest of your resume to remain consistent.