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Many say it is John Wooden.
UCLA college team under John Wooden in the '60s
He wa 92 years old. He was the best coach for a college team ever. He had great success, John Wooden had a pyramid of success. Look it up some time. You'll enjoy it and maybe it will help you also.
I'm seventeen yrs. old and have worked vigourously since i was in 5th grade,the first time i ever touched a basketball, to be the best that i can be in basketball. coach woodens qoute means simply that you succeed by becoming the best that you as an individual can become at whatever you endeavor to do.
Yes when he played for the Texas Rangers
Michael Jordan Was The Best To Ever Play The Game Of Basketball.
Basketball is the best sport ever
Yes he has been ejected during a Reds and Indians game in Cincinnati while batting he threw his helmet at the umpire