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no. unless you have 2 years left in high school then you can get a 4.0 both years and average a 3.8-3.9 then maybe you can get into a lower Ivy League (i.e. cornell)

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Q: Can you get into Ivy League college with 3.5 GPA sophomore year and average extracurriculars with some community service and a sport?
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What college can you get into with a 4.5 GPA?

with good test scores and extracurriculars, you can get into pretty much any college that you want.with good test scores and extracurriculars, you can get into pretty much any college that you want.

What is the definition of sophomore?

A sophomore is a student in the second year of study at a college or high school.

What is the average SAT scotes of incoming freshman at Chemeketa Community College?

you dont need to have a SAT for Chemeketa, its a community college.

Is a weighted 4.2875 GPA above average for a high school sophomore?

that is a good grade! an average high school sophomore would take regular classes and get B/Cs. clearly you are taking honor courses which is good later on for when you register for college. keep up the good work

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What is the average GPA required to gain admittance to Seminole Community College?

The average GPA required to get in to Seminole Community College is a 3.0 . SAT and ACT scores can help or hurt your chances of admittance.

When do you move from freshmen to sophomore in college if you began freshmen year during spring semester?

When you have enough credits to be defined as a sophomore

What grade point average do you have to have to go to a community college?

Completely depends!

What is the best collage to go to if your a c average student?

A community college.

What is a sophomore or with alternate spelling sophmore?

A sophomore, in America is someone in their second year of either high school or college. A sophomore is a second-year student. It can be used for high school or college. Sophomore can also be used to refer to someone in their second year of anything, but primarily it refers to an educational institution. In the references below is the definition. Typically at a college or university, a student is classified as a sophomore once he/she has completed their 29th credit. A sophmore is a student in 10th grade

Community colleges in Maine?

Andover CollegeMaine Community College System* Central Maine Community College * Eastern Maine Community Colle * Kennebec Valley Community College * Northern Maine Community College * Southern Maine Community College * Washington County Community College * York County Community CollegeAndover CollegeMaine Community College System* Central Maine Community College * Eastern Maine Community Colle * Kennebec Valley Community College * Northern Maine Community College * Southern Maine Community College * Washington County Community College * York County Community CollegeAndover CollegeMaine Community College System* Central Maine Community College * Eastern Maine Community Colle * Kennebec Valley Community College * Northern Maine Community College * Southern Maine Community College * Washington County Community College * York County Community CollegeAndover CollegeMaine Community College System* Central Maine Community College * Eastern Maine Community Colle * Kennebec Valley Community College * Northern Maine Community College * Southern Maine Community College * Washington County Community College * York County Community CollegeAndover CollegeMaine Community College System* Central Maine Community College * Eastern Maine Community Colle * Kennebec Valley Community College * Northern Maine Community College * Southern Maine Community College * Washington County Community College * York County Community CollegeAndover CollegeMaine Community College System* Central Maine Community College * Eastern Maine Community Colle * Kennebec Valley Community College * Northern Maine Community College * Southern Maine Community College * Washington County Community College * York County Community College