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Q: Can you be in Air Force ROTC and also play a sport in college?
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What is the army ROTC and has anyone done it?

Army ROTC - Reserve Officer Training Corps, is a college program in which while pursuing a bachelors degree you also train to be an Army officer; there are many online resources which let you look into this program; it is offered at many colleges across the USA ; there are many ROTC scholarships available in exchange for promised service in the US Army. there are also equivalents of this for other branches of the military Navy ROTC - navy Navy ROTC marine option- for the marines Air Force ROTC- Air Force the US Coast Gaurd does not have an ROTC progam

Do students pay for ROTC?

Students who are contracted ROTC cadets pay for very little in college. A full ROTC scholarship includes: tuition and fees, $600/ semester for books, and a monthly spending stipend of $300-$500 a month. Also, ROTC classes are available to all college students for free and no military obligation.

What college is accepted by the US Army?

Any accredited university in the US. Any accredited ROTC programme is also accepted.

Where is beacon community college school?

Beacon Community College is in Crowborugh, it a sport college that a lot study attend that school and it also a secondary school too.

How does one get started in a military career?

There are many ways one can get started in a military career. One is to enroll in the ROTC in high school and continue that into a career. Someone can also enter after college.

How many people apply for ARMY ROTC scholarships?

I am still trying to figure out how many people apply for Army ROTC scholarships, but I do know that only about 2,000 4-year scholarships are given out each year. There are also 3 and 2-year scholarships given out on college campuses, but the number of those varies.

What is kentuckys sport?

The popular sport in Kentucky is probably College Basketball and/or College Football. This is because teams like Kentucky and Louisville are great at both of these sports. Also, the Kentucky Derby runs on the first Saturday, every May.

What is Kentucky's popular sport?

The popular sport in Kentucky is probably College Basketball and/or College Football. This is because teams like Kentucky and Louisville are great at both of these sports. Also, the Kentucky Derby runs on the first Saturday, every May.

What is the most popular sport in Alabama?

probably college football. Alabama is usually the #1 ranked team in the SEC. They have a very long history of this sport and have had very good competition. This college has also had many championships and miraculous wins.

What happens if you fail ROTC classes?

If you fail ROTC classes, you do not get to be an officer in that particular unit of the military. You also get a failing grade on your overall grade point average.

How much can a ROTC earn in college?

ROTC cadets really don't receive a salary. If they are on scholarship they receive a small stipend each month, I believe it is currently $150 a month. They also receive pay during their training in the summer, which is one half and O-1's pay.

What sport did elizabeth haselbeck play in college?

The sport that Elisabeth Hasselbeck played while in college was softball. Elisabeth was a contestant on the reality show, Survivor. She was also a host on The View.Elisabeth Hasselbeck played women's softball for Boston College for 2 seasons; she captained them both, and in both they also won the Big East.