It's just like saying: This is a 2 Pack soda, instead of this is a 2 Packs soda. If you're using it as a name, it's not plural. Whereas, if I was to say: I bought 2 packs of soda, it would be grammatically correct. It depends how you use the warning in a sentence. This is how you would rephrase that depending on your sentence: Class, this is your 2 minute warning - VS - Class, this is a warning that you have 2 minutes left, or Class, I'm warning you that you have 2 minutes left. It all depends on how you say it...I know how you feel, American grammar!!! Am I right?
Example sentence - The process for applying to college can be a challenge.
There are two; they are dare and defy.The use of defy for challenge is illustrated by the use of civil disobedience to challenge unpopular laws.
This depends upon which company you use. There are a number of clubs that specialise in booking vacation "last minute" vacations. Some will let you book and take off within a 48hr period.
well, just a single minute keeps alot value for e.g within a minute we breathe more than 40 times,just in a minute 1000s of galons of water are filled,just in a single minute life-taking or life-giving decisions are taken!aaahh............!!!!!!!!!!JUST IN ASINGLE MINUTE......!!!! A minute is priceless if it's the last one you've got. Otherwise, it's useless judging from how most people use them.
It was a challenge to find the penny in the haystack.
When thinking about uses for LED warning lights and their uses many people may not be aware the the Police use LED warning lights. Every day vehicles use LED warning lights.
Cuttlefish use warning colors to say stay away from me or to intimidate other animals
If the question means whether the platypus would give a warning before using its spur to defend itself, the answer is no. Platypuses are relatively defenceless creatures, and it would be a very foolish person who provoked a platypus into attack. If encountering a predator, a platypus also would not give a warning, but would use everything within its means to defend itself.
Because it gave them early warning when the Luftwaffe or German air force were about to attack somewhere across the English Chanel . the RAF had time to challenge them & down them before they got to there destination.
sending a warning to the Soviet Union sending a warning to the soviet union
Its a warning to potential predators that the snake is venomous.