They are white with black strips. If you look at one up close there is a white background to the zebra..
Zebras have black and white stripes.
they have more black so black with white stripes
a zebra is black and white. the print is like black and white strips.
Zebras are actually black with white strips. I know it may be a shock but it is true
Baby zebras are like adult zebras. Although they are small, they have all the stipes they will ever have, as the youngster grows, the stripes grow. (Zebras are white with black stripes; if you look at their bellies, the black ends and it's white).
so they have a dizzy camoflage to hide from prey
Yes. And it is this way because if Zebras were white with black stripes they wouldnt be able to survive in their enviroment.
its the same thing didnt you kno that
this is an age old question, something like what came first the egg or the chicken, in zebras it depends on how you perceive it, 50% think black on white, and the other 50% white on black.....
If zebra's have strips that are black and white then predators find it hard to see because the back strips are making it harder to see if you knew that you will be smarter idiots and Dumbo's all of you that came o this site
It all depends on how you look at it. sorry. the information above is incorrect. zebras are really brown or black with white markings.
Zebras have black stripes on their bodies.