about 27%
Quarterbacks, Punters and a few lineman. Most college football players are black. Most of the white players are too buzy getting an education.
only 1 in 10000
Approximately 7% of all college football players get drafted into the NFL.
Yes, absolutely! In 1987, United States College Assosiation decided that ANY early termination of scholarships were made mandatory for being paid back.
this can't be answered. just because a person goes to college does not become a NFL player. most players in college that are NFL worthy get scholarships for college.
Only about about 2 percent of high school football players receive college scholarships "well about 20% of high school football players get college football scholarships." "martin alberts College Florida" is incorrect.
Ed Locker has written: 'Touchdown' -- subject(s): Admission, College sports, College students, Football players, Recruiting, Scholarships, fellowships, Universities and colleges