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Sometime between 1894 and 2007. You need to provide a serial number to get a date.

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Q: Year octagon mod 94 barrel
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What is the year of a model 94 with serial 49893 it has octagon barrel?

year 1896

What is the difference between a mod 94 trapper and a regular mod 94?

Trapper has a shorter barrel

What is the age of your Winchester rifle model 94 its a 30-30 with no octagon barrel and its serial number is 667903?

year 1913

What year was it made is a Winchester Model 94 Classic 30-30 with an octagonal barrel?

The Winchester model 94 classic series were produced from 1967-1970.All rifles had either a 20in,or 26in octagon barrel.

What does a Winchester model 94 with octagon barrel look like?

It will be eight sided,thus the name hexagon barrel.

What is the year and value of a Winchester model 94 .32.W.S with and octagon barrel serial number 950585?

The Winchester model 94 .32 W.S. (Winchester Special) with an octagon barrel, serial number 950585 was built sometime after 1901. You value of the gun depends on its condition. A local gun shop would be able to look at your gun and give you an estimate on the actual value.

When was it made mod 94 3776149?

year 1972

What is the value of a Winchester model 94 30 30 octagon barrel and gold plated receiver and purchased in 1968?

500 USD

What is the value of a year 1912 Winchester model 94 32 special calibar with octagon barrel serial 630168?

Impossible to answer without a DETAILED description of all markings, barrel length, finish, type of sights, wood, condition, box, papers, accessories.

What is the age of a Winchester Model 94?

what is the year of winchester mod 94 sn 3295692

When was an octagon barrel Winchester Model 94 made?

Sometime between 1915 (when the model name was changed from 1894 to 94) and yesterday. You can go to and look up your serial number.

What is a Model 94 full octagon barrel worth?

Have to know who made it, all markings, features, finish, condition, box, papers, accessories.