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Q: Why should an untrained person no relocate a dislocate shoulder?
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Why does the shoulder dislocate more easily than the hip?

A person is more likely to dislocate their shoulder. The hip joint is larger and the ligaments that attach the bones are larger/stronger. The muscles around the hip are also larger helping keep the bone in place

What is the plural of dislocate?

The word dislocate is a verb, not a noun, and has no plural. For the present tense conjugation, the third-person singular uses dislocates, while all other persons use dislocate.

What is Meaning for are you willing to relocate?

It may be necessary to relocate when applying for a job. If a person says they are willing to relocate, it means they are willing to move their belongings and family to another location that is closer to the job.

Why is the shoulder apt to become dislocated?

The shoulder joint is inherently unstable due to its large range of motion and shallow socket, making it more prone to dislocation. Activities that involve forceful impact or extreme range of motion can easily cause the shoulder to dislocate, particularly in individuals with loose ligaments or a history of shoulder dislocations.

Why individuals should not be dragged?

Infants to Adults, dragging by the armsDragging a human body is often done by pulling a person by the hand, wrist, or arm. This is the worse kind of dragging because the weight of the body while another person drags them creates enough force to damage the rotatator cuff inside the shoulder, or to dislocate the shoulder altogether. Both types of injury are very painful, require surgery, long recovery, and a long course of physical therapy.In addition, major blood vessels go through the shoulder and into the arm (such as the brachial artery). With enough force, a dragging incident can impinge (pinch or impede) blood flow into the arm. If untreated by surgery, the arm can die requiring amputation.Infants and children, dragging by the feet or legsJust as a shoulder can dislocate, dragging an infant or child can dislocate one or both hips. This requires surgery, hip to toe cast, a long recovery, and physical therapy to re-learn to walkChildren, Teens, or Adults, dragged by a vehicleNumerous injuries happen every year when a person is dragged behind a tractor, three-wheeler, or even by a 2-wheel bike. With added G-forces, it becomes a bigger risk that the person's head, neck, back and all limbs will be injured from being bounced against the ground.

What is a shoulder ride?

A shoulder ride is one in which a person sits on another person's shoulders as a means of transportation.

How might a athletes diet differ to an untrained person?

they will eat a lot more, especially protein and carbs :)

Can a untrained dog protect you?

No of course not, could any old person off the street run a marathon.

Why was warren in favor of forcing japanese americans to relocate?

They rhought that japanse was bad person

Would firing a gun dislocate your shoulder if it were not for your wrist?

It might; however we have elbows. If the gun was held in an arm with no wrist, or a tightly bound wrist, and the gun had a high enough kick-back, the arm would probably bend at the elbow and possibly whack the person in the face. If the person had a completely unbendable arm, then the shoulder would probably get dislocated after firing the gun, provided that the gun, again, has a high kick-back. Hope that helps you :)

What is the height from your shoulder to your fingertips?

The length from your shoulder to your finger tips varies from person to person. This was why a standard of measurements was introduced by law.

What does untrained ear means?

A person with an untrained ear simply means that they cannot hear if something is out of tune or off pitch. It's similar to someone who is not trained in football or painting. They would not know if something was good or bad.