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The moon rotates as fast as it orbits the earth, thus only one side faces it.

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Q: Why do you see only one side of the moo from eart?
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What is unique call sign for lovers?

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How can you make holy aura in moo moo generation x?

One can make holy aura in moo moo generation x by attaining the highest level of the game and winning at the highest level of the video game moo moo .

Do you get moo moo milk on pokemon white?

!You buy them at the Driftveil Market. Then talk to the girl with a with thing on her head. One Moo Moo Milk is 500 £. Hope this helped

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Tom Nellis has one.

Do cows actually moo?

yes-------------------------no. go into field, will one come 2 u and say 'moo'? no.uhm, actually, the word "moo" is a sound imitated by our English sounds. . .Cows make noise similar to a moo, and they WILL moo to you, if you irritate them or if they are hungry. however, if you just "go into a field" it is not likely that one will come to you and moo. But their natural sound (we call it bellaring here at the farm) is similar to a moo, or a groan.

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You can not make Tectonic in the game Moo moo 3.7 generation x, as it isn't made it is either earned or bought. One can join the Moo moo generation x facebook page for hints and tips, on how to come accross Tectonic.

How long does it take for Saturn to rotate in one year?

10,832,327 eart days

What is the meep religion?

It's when you pray for meercat to live and that your be one of them when you die moo moo haha

How do you become a moderator on a virtual horse?

You have to get asked by the creator of it. But only when they need one more mod. which they dont at the moment. BTW, what is your player name? Mine is Moo Moo, send e a letter on AVH when you have the chance!

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go to moo moo farm and give the miltank 7 oran berrys and they will give you one

What are greek terms of endearment that a lover would use?

Agapi mou (agApee moo) = my love Hriso mou (ChreesO moo= where the 'ch' is like in Scottish 'loch') = my golden one/ my dear Moro mou (morO moo) = my baby Matia mou (mAtya moo) = my eyes / my dear Glykia mou (gleekyA moo) = my sweet Psihi mou (pseechEE moo) = my soul Kardia mou (karthiA moo - the 'th' is like in English 'then') = my heart Hope this helps !