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Tigers by nature enjoy water and are even known to swim across rivers and underneath water to catch prey. White tigers, like most tigers in general, will go out in the rain to cool off.

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Q: Why do white tigers like the rain so much?
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Do white tigers live in the tropical rain forests?

No, white tigers do not live in tropical rain forests.

What is white tigers community?

their community is in the wild, and in the rain forest.

Do white tigers live in the rain forest?

yes because Tibet has rain forests and u can find some tigers there. but it's rare to see a white tiger in it's own habitat. because of there coat.

Why do white tigers live in the tropical rain forest?

they don't they live in snowy mountains

Do tigers live in rain forest?

Yes, there are rainforest tigers.

Where tigers live do they get a lot of rain or little rain?

Most tigers live in jungles with high to moderate rainfall. However, some tigers, like the Siberian Tiger live on the plains and therefore receive low to average rainfall. However, there are no tigers in deserts with minimal rainfall, even though there are some rainforests where tigers used to live (like Java where the now-extinct Javan tiger used to live).

How much snow do grass lands get?

not much it's like the weather of the rain not to much rain to

What appears in the form or rain sleet or snow?

Sleet appears in the form of rain. Snow is white and does not appear like rain.

Can tigers swim in the ocean?

yes , tigers love playing in rain ,because they love wateryou can observe that usually tigers live in rain forest,so tigers love playing in rain and love water...

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both alligators and tigers live in the rain forest.