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Q: When was your Western Flyer bicycle called the Sonic Flyer made?
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How do you get super sonic speed?

If all you have is a bicycle you will have to keep on pedaling faster and faster.

Why is Sonic burger called Sonic burger?

because its from sonic!

Is there a video game called sonic family?

no but there is game called sonic

Why was Sonic the hedgehog called sonic?

He could run at sonic speeds.

What is the next sonic game called?

sonic colors.

What is the new sonic game called?

The new sonic game is called project needlemouse

Is there a Sonic the Hedgehog comic book?

Yep, there are two of them. One called Sonic The Comic and the other called Sonic the Hedgehog. The Sonic the Comic one is only in Europe, and the Sonic the Hedgehog one is in America.

Is there a sonic game called sonic war zone?


What is the next sonic game going to be called?

sonic the end

Is there a show called sonic next generation about sonic's kids?


What is the sonic heroes theme song called?

"Sonic Heroes"

Can you unlock super Sonic on Sonic t?

Sonic 't'? Please elaborate, there is no game called Sonic 't' xP