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Q: When was Georgeann Wells born?
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Who is Georgeann Wells-Blackwell?

Georgeann Wells (now Georgeann Wells Blackwell) was the first woman to dunk in a college game. Playing for the West Virginia Mountaineers in a game against Davis and Elkins College, Wells slammed it home on December 21, 1984. She recently appeared on the Trya Show, and spoke about it. That episode aired on November 23, 2009.

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Georgeann Eskievich Rettberg has written: 'Steelworker's Family'

When was Wells Kelly born?

Wells Kelly was born in 1949.

When was Helen Wells born?

Helen Wells was born in 1910.

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Clifford Wells was born in 1896.

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Randall Wells was born in 1877.

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Wells Spicer was born in 1831.

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Earle Wells was born in 1933.

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Annie Wells was born in 1954.

When was Webster Wells born?

Webster Wells was born in 1851.

When was Horatio Wells born?

Horatio Wells was born in 1808.

When was Ronnie Wells born?

Ronnie Wells was born in 1943.