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Q: What year was a Mickey Mantle 140s power drive bat made?
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The speed of the sailboat is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the speed of the sailboat is 0.71 m/s (100m / 140s).

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Jupiter's temperature is very, very cold. Most of the time is is -166 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes it gets even in the -140s.

A athlete covers 200m in 40 secondsFind Displacament and distance covered at the end of 140 seconds?

Since the athlete covers 200m in 40 seconds, the velocity is 5 m/s. In 140 seconds, the displacement is 700m in the same direction. The total distance covered will be the sum of the distance traveled in each segment of time, so it will be 200m + 700m= 900m.

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Field is square ===> full perimeter travel time is 4 x (one side travel time) = 4 x 40 = 160sec = 2min 40sec 2min 20sec is 20sec short of the full perimeter = 1/2 of one-side travel time = 5 meters' travel time

What does it mean when the babies heart beat is starteing to slow down and you are 37 weeks pregnant?

A normal heart rate for a baby at 37 weeks gestation is approximately between 120s to 140s. The babies heart rate fluctuates just like an adults during periods of rest and activity. If the babies heart rate goes below the normal range ( 120 ) then that means the doctor would need to evaluate the baby to make sure that everything was ok.

Are there any pilot training schools in Connecticut?

Coastal Air, Inc. is a busy flight school in southeastern Connecticut. We train private, instrument, and commercial students in our Piper Cherokee 140s. We are Since you know you can't be a pilot without flight school, flight schools in your area ... At Connecticut Flight Academy the "Sky is the limit" and we're ready to help ... There are no hidden fees or extras in our commercial pilot training There are 7 Pilot Training Schools in Connecticut listed in our database ... Flight Training at Oxford Airport, Classic Air Services provides a wide variety of ...

Is it true that the authors of the four gospels were anonymous?

Scholars do say that the four gospels were not assigned to any authors until well into the second century. Even as late as the 140s, Marcion simply referred to Luke's Gospel as "the Gospel", indicating that he was not aware of it having been attributed to any author.Eventually, the Church Fathers tried to establish who, in their view, would most likely have been the authors.Matthew and Mark were named after the disciples of Jesus seen as most likely to have written in that style.John was so named because the apostle John was never mentioned, but there were references to an "apostle whom Jesus loved" and it was assumed that this must be John. On the assumption that the author was being modest, this meant that the author was John.Since the author of Luke's Gospel also wrote Acts of the Apostles, it was assumed that the author must have known Paul, as well as being familiar with the life of Jesus. Luke was regarded as the most likely candidate.

What did the Romans use to get to Britain?

The Romans invaded Britain, but never went to Ireland, therefore they did not really come to the British Isles. The emperor Claudius ordered the conquest of Britannia to bolster his weak political position in Rome through the glory and prestige of conquest. He sent four legions in 43 AD. These occupied a portion of England east of a line between the estuaries of the Humber and the Severn. Conflict with the tribes of Wales then developed. It took 26 years for the Romans to subdue Wales. The dominant tribe in the north of England, the Brigantes, was an ally. However, after Cartimandua, their queen, divorced Venutius the latter made alliances with nearby peoples and waged war against her and her Roman protectors in 57 he was defeated by the Romans. Venutius rebelled again in 69 and the Romans did not have enough troops. Cartimandua was evacuated and Venutius seized power. Vespasian, who became emperor in 69, appointed Quintus Petillius Cerialis as governor of Britannia in 71. Cerialis brought the Legio II Adiutrix and campaigned against the Brigantes. In 77 he was replaced by Gnaeus Julius Agricola who crushed a rebellion by the Ordovices of north Wales and in 70 he pushed into Caledonia (Scotland), probably as far as Dundee, virtually unchallenged. He defeated the Caledonians in a battle. He was then recalled back to Rome. In the 140s, under the reign of Antoninus Pius, the Romans pushed into southern Scotland and built Antonine Wall between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde. For unknown reasons the wall was abandoned eight year later and the Romans pulled back to Hadrian's Wall. In 208 the emperor Septimius Severus campaigned in Scotland and defeated the Caledonians. When the latter rebelled he vowed to exterminate them, but he died. His sons, Caracalla and Geta left Scotland and returned to Rome to engage in a power struggle. This was the last Roman campaign in Scotland.

What is normal heart rate for a baby at 12 weeks?

0-3 months: Heart rate=100-150bpm Respiratory Rate=35-55 Blood Pressure=65-85/45-55 3-6 months: Heart Rate=90-120bpm Respiratory Rate=30-45 Blood Pressure=70-90/50-65

How do you make a cheap bridge in West Point Bridge Designer?

From what I hear, you can make a arch bridge and make it as small as possible. I have the 2011 version and I have gotten done to 169,000. The above is partially true. The least expensive bridge is an arch bridge and it is less expensive if you make it as compressed as possible, but you should keep the 24 meter height. You don't want it as small as possible, you want it as thin as possible. If you use WPBD 2007, the Continuous Arch- Pratt template is the best choice. I did this one and got the price down to $134 thousand. just make every piece as small as possible to start (30mm), using all carbon steel hollow tubes, and make each piece larger one by one until it shows white, instead of red or blue. But what a lot of people don't know is that next to the overall price, their is a little calculator icon. If you click it, a window appears. The section marked Production (P) is the cost needed to make each and every part. Each piece is bundled by its size, and each bundle is worth $600. If you can manage to reduce the bundles of materials needed, you can take an impressive amount of money off of your bill. For example, if you have 2 bundles of 140x140 pieces, and 4 bundles of 150x150 pieces, you can change the 140s into 150s and drop about $200 to $500 off of you're overall bill while adding even more support to your bridge.

What is the record for discus?

According to Track and Field News, the American high school record for the discus is held by Mason Finley a throw of 236 feet, 6 inches during the High Altitude Challenge in Alamosa, Colo. The standard of 234-4 had stood since 2001