Signatures will vary in price based on condition, the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature, the item signed, and how well the item displays the signature. The signature of a Baseball player would be most preferred on a baseball. Baseballs are the most common, and preferred by collectors because of it's connection to the game, low cost, availability and it displays the signature well. The signed baseball represents the average price for a signature, and by deducting or adding from this price for the Item signed accordingly will give you a good idea on value. The lowest priced signed item would be for a "cut Signature." A cut signature is a signature on a piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Index cards are the next step up, and both sell at a fraction (about 10%-20%) the price of an autographed baseball. Autograph photos typically sell at about 40-60 percent the price of a baseball with bats, uniform Jersey's and equipment selling at a higher price due to the higher cost of the item, rarity and display.
I'm sure that the same would apply to other sports such as a Football or a hockey puck would be compatible with a baseball. Expensive Sports cards are not a good item to have signed.generally collectors of sports cards would rather have a card without the signature. The signature would be considered as a flaw in the condition of the card and will lower the value. A signed card could never receive a high grade like near/mint.
A collector of signatures will not always pay extra for the "collectible" card. The autograph collectors main concern is displaying the signature. You could devalue the price of the card, and get less for it. Even if the card has a low value. If the value goes up on the card, you will lose the added collectors value.
Once a collectible card is signed the value of the card dramatically goes down as a collectible. The card then becomes an Item to display the signature. The bulk of the value relies on the value of the signature of the player that signed the card, and how well the card displays the signature. A high valued card can add some value to the signature.
Well it really depends on which 15 players signed the ball. :)
if signed by all players then 150 -200 dollars
Was there a ball signed by all Phyllies players? and when?
If the baseball is "multi-signed", and not "single signed" you would have to name the other players that signed the baseball to get an approximate value.
It depends on how many of the players signed the ball. A typical autographed basketball, Men's full size, would run around $50-$250.
just looking for a price
The ref will toss the ball, whoever gets it first takes it. Three tosses per pair if both players keep catching the ball at the same time, then the two C's get to take the toss/s.
The following Sports have 11 players on the field of play at any one time.Field HockeyFootball (Soccer)Football (American)CricketBandy
With the ball at his feet, he deftly made his way past two players before passing the ball to a teammate.
This activity is commonly referred to as dribbling in sports such as basketball and soccer. In basketball, players use their fingertips to bounce the ball while moving, while in soccer, players use their feet to control the ball while running. It is a fundamental skill in both sports for maintaining possession and creating scoring opportunities.