I have Emmett Kelly signature collection with his hand writing signature on them. How much or they worth? I may have 2-3 pieces
Emmett Kelly's birth name is Emmett Leo Kelly.
To recognize a fake Emmett Kelly Jr clown, look for poor craftsmanship, such as uneven paint application or low-quality materials. Genuine Emmett Kelly Jr clowns are well-made and often have a signature or stamp from the manufacturer. Researching the specific details of an authentic Emmett Kelly Jr clown can also help in identifying fakes.
Emmett Kelly was born on December 9, 1898.
Emmett Kelly was born on December 9, 1898.
Emmet Kelly
Emmett Kelly has written: 'Clown' -- subject(s): Clowns
Emmett Kelly died on March 28, 1979 at the age of 80.
Emmett kelly was a clown
Emmett Kelly was born in Sedan, Kansas, USA on 9th December 1898
The web address of the Emmett Kelly Museum is: http://www.emmettkellymuseum.com
Emmett Kelly Jr. was an American circus performer and clown known for his sad-faced character "Weary Willie." He followed in the footsteps of his father, Emmett Kelly Sr., who was also a famous clown. Emmett Kelly Jr. was known for his pantomime performances and his ability to evoke emotions from his audience.