The baseball glove could be endorsed by Joe Jackson and not hand signed. A Joe Jackson signature model glove can fetch a value in the $1,000's depending on condition.
Alex Gordon autographed baseball cardA Alex Gordon autographed baseball card is worth between $5. -$10. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. In general, collectors of baseball cards would rather have a baseball card without the signature. The signature would be considered as a flaw in the condition of the card and will lower the value. If the signature has a lower value than the card it will lower the value of the card. The un-signed card will have a higher value
The vaule might be about 2,000 dollars
Eebony magazine 1984 year of magaizens vaule is $ 25
it depends. a old peice of cake as no vaule but an old family heirloom or sword is of more vaule then most new
They retail for around 20-35 dollars depending on the card vaule that it is signed on. You can purchase for 10-15 from individual.
50-350 usd
eight hundredths