I have a Winchester Cheyene in both 44-40 and 22 cal. Both are NIB. I also have the Winchester Sioux commerative. Can you tell me the approximate value of each.
Your Winchester Cenntennial 1966 Carbine is valued at 695.00 dollars in the condition you describe.
your Winchester 1894 was made in 1977,and the value is 795.00 dollars.
If it has never been fired, never had the action cycled, is still in the origianl box with all paperwork, in the 700-900 range.
The 1966 commemorative rifle or carbine are worth 595.00 dollars if they have never been fired,new in the box.
In the condition you describe,your Winchester carbine is valued at 995 dollars(US currency).
If you have the original box and papers, you gun is worth $1200. Less 200 if no box.
Over $10,000.
It varies. if the the rifle has never been fired before then you are looking at around $534 if you also have the carbine that has never been fired and the concquitive SN number then you are looking at around $1200 just wait awhile the price will go up
In the condition you have described,your Winchester carbine is valued at 695.00 dollars on today,s market.
If you mean the serial number is 1, Winchester never made one with serial number 1.
Your post-64 model 1894 Winchester will go for 350-400 in new never fired condition.
$150.00 to $685.00 Winchester made about 185,000 copies of this rifle and the same of a carbine, difference being length in barrel. The $685.00 value is only a rifle in mint condition still in box, never fired and all paperwork. No box and or paperwork or being fired you lose half the value. This is the cheapest Winchester built.