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Q: What is the value of basketball Front Row stamped with 23K gold dust Larry Johnson?
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When was Larry Miller - basketball - born?

Larry Miller - basketball - was born in 1946.

When was Larry Johnson born?

Larry Johnson was born on March 14, 1969.

Who are the best basketball players in the Hall of Fame?

Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Bill Russell

How did the basketball to become popluer?

It became popular because of the talent of Magic Johnson's and Larry Bird's rivalry and they had never seen tricks that time.

How much is a Larry Johnson basketball card worth?

depends on who you are it could be a little or a lot the value of any card is determined by the buyer

When was Larry R. Johnson born?

Larry R. Johnson was born in 1944.

What is Larry Johnson's birthday?

Larry Johnson was born on March 14, 1969.

When was Larry Johnson - musician - born?

Larry Johnson - musician - was born in 1938.

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Larry Wright - basketball - was born on 1954-11-23.

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Larry Brown - basketball - was born on 1940-09-14.

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Larry Smith - basketball - was born on 1958-01-18.