There are many photos of Babe Ruth. Today there are mass produced 8 x 10 photos that can be easily bought for about $10. All photos will have a value but It all depends on what type of photo you have. The value of your photo will rely on if it is an original first generation photo made from the original negative, a snap shot taken, a news service photo, or a wire photo printed off a teletype machine. All are highly collectible, and can sell between $20. -$200. in general. The "black Paper like edging" is most likely matting, and as the frame are not valued as part of the collectible, but could be added to the price as to display the photo.
Paper with a rough, decorative edging, as often occurs when making paper by hand.
This type of paper was once very expensive.
If you are making bees for a craft out of tissue paper, you will want to use black and yellow paper. There are several techniques such as gluing the paper to a picture you have drawn.
just take a picture of a coin on a black sheet of paper, then put the picture on the page and erase the extra black marks and you have a perfect circle
acid paper or glass.
All you need to do is have that picture that you want to trace. Then on the back of that paper, take your pencil and shade the back of that picture and remember to shade the parts where your picture is. Then you get that other paper and put the paper with the picture on top of it. You just trace it on and the picture will trace onto the other paper.
idkkd hcvgfhcc
Do a rubbing on the back of he photo using a piece of white paper and a pencil or crayon. Lay the white paper on the back of the picture and gently rub on top of what is written on the back of the picture. Do it gently increasing pressure til you see the writing on back. Do a rubbing on the back of he photo using a piece of white paper and a pencil or crayon. Lay the white paper on the back of the picture and gently rub on top of what is written on the back of the picture. Do it gently increasing pressure til you see the writing on back.
I don't have a picture, but if this is the 3.5L, and you look at the bottom of the oil pan, you will see a large round black plastic plug. YOu unscrew this and replace the paper element inside it.
black paper crop is rubbish
on paper dummo