The value of a Topps Emmit Smith rookie card varies greatly with the condition of the card. Some of these cards sell for as little as $5 and some sell for as much as about $30.
Emit Smith
When he was in 2009
Emit Smith
Because he got cool styles and faces But, Is fascinated his face is look like Will Smith
The word 'emit' is a verb (emit, emits, emitting, emitted), meaning to give off, or send out.Example: The valve will emit steam when the water boils.The noun forms for the verb to emit are emitter and emission.
The device emits a power of insert power value per square meter.
The word "remit" rhymes with emit.
The adjective form of "emit" is "emitted."
I am a digital assistant and do not emit any gases.
They emit infrared radiation
Technetium doesn't emit light.