The price of the autographed shirt depends on four factors:
If The star is a radio broadcaster, TV presenter or small time movie star the shirt would be approximately $75-$100AUD or if he/she is deceased $100-$150AUD if the shirt is damaged deduct $15AUD if the shirt is older than 30 years add $50AUD.
If it is a Hollywood actor, double the prices except if the actor is deceased then you triple the prices.
It depends on who it's autographed by.
Who was the stick used by? Who has autographed it? These things will affect the value.
it depends who autographed it. like say if Caesar Augustus autographed it, value would be astronomical. But if some dick like Scott Peterson autographed it, probably not worth the time it took to answer this question.
You can not find one autographed with both of them
what is the value of a 11X 14 autographed roger staunch picture with ronald reagan worth
On Amazon, Vin Scully autographed baseballs can go for as much as $295.80