A 1992 Stadium Club Nolan Ryan card number 770 has a book value of about $2.00 in Near Mint - Mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more money than a non graded card in the same condition. Condition is important.
Common flaws with Baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
A 1991 Score Nolan Ryan No Hit Club card number 701 has a book value of about .50 cents in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.
Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
Less than 50 cents. Hey, do you still have it? I'd be willing to buy it.
1991 Pacific Ryan Texas Express I Nolan Ryan 5th No-hitter card 42A 1991 Pacific Ryan Texas Express I Nolan Ryan "5th No-hitter" card number 42 has a book value of about .25 cents in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more money than a non-graded card in the same condition. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantlyThere is also a Nolan Ryan "No-Hitter Number 5" card number 43 with the same value
Nolan ryan
1991 Donruss Nolan Ryan baseball card number 89A 1991 Donruss Nolan Ryan baseball card number 89 has a book value of about $1.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
1993 Finest Nolan Ryan AS card number 107A 1993 Finest Nolan Ryan All Star card number 107 has a book value of about $25.00 in Near Mint - Mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more money than a non graded card in the same condition. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly
1991 Stadium Club Charter Member Nolan Ryan card number 25A 1991 Stadium Club Charter Member Nolan Ryan card number 25 has a book value of about $3.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
1991 Topps Nolan Ryan card number 1A 1991 Topps Nolan Ryan card number 1 has a book value of about $1.50 in Near Mint - Mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more money than a non graded card in the same condition. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
1991 Topps baseball cardThe 1991 Topps baseball card set consists of 792 baseball cards. A complete set has a book value of about $20.00. A sealed factory set has a value of about $30.00. Key cards in the set that have the highest value include: Card number 1 - Nolan Ryan, Card number 100A Don Mattingly ERR, Card number 333 - Chipper Jones RC, and Card number 570 - Barry Bonds.
Errol Nolan was born on 1991-08-18.
Nolan Arenado was born on 1991-04-16.
Nolan Ryan's Baseball happened in 1991.