

Best Answer

I am a big fan of this shotgun, have had one for many years. Also added a deluxe model to my collection. As far as value is concerned it is the same for everything else, "whatever someone is willing to give you for it." The value that I would put on it goes like this, Excellent condition, poly choke, 200-225, used vg condition175-200, and most everything else between 100 and 175 dollars is fair price for shotgun. You see its not that good of a gun as far as manufacture is concerned, its good quality, but not the same as a Browning or Beretta. Its a hunting shotgun, you can put meat on the table and have fun shooting clay birds on occasion, it is just a shotgun all the same. Other than having one because it was your "first" gun, and reliving your youth. Nothing special about it. But, I like mine because it was my first and I still have it.

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