Mark McGwire's birth name is Mark David McGwire.
Spot price would be about it
Chances are that the baseball was retrieved, and given to Mark McGwire. If the baseball was never retrieved, it would be difficult to impossible to prove that the baseball was mark McGwire's first home run baseball. To determine the value of the baseball it would have to sell on the market, and the selling price would be the value. See Related questions below for the values of other Mark McGwire Home Run baseballs.
Mark McGwire is still alive in 2010.
Mark McGwire was born on October 1, 1963.
Mark McGwire was born on October 1, 1963.
Mark McGwire played for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1998.
Mark McGwire is 54 years old (birthdate: October 1, 1963).
1998 Mark McGwire was 6'5" tall, and weighed 250 pounds
Less than 25 cents.
$15 to $20
A Mark McGwire Cracker Jack Commemorative baseball recently sold for $5.00 in an on line auction