A Jimmy Foxx Store model bat from this era is worth about $200. $300. in excellent -near/mint condition. The dating of this bat seems to be a project, or I might be reading your description wrong. Jimmy Foxx signed a contract with the Hillerich & Bradsby Co on 6-11-1926. If the bat reads TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF below the center oval it would date the bat between 1926 -1929 but, the term "Powerized" was first used, and patented by the Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in 1931. Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo is used only during the 1932 season.
Hillerich and Bradsby is now know as Louisville Slugger.. WWW.slugger.com
He created the Louisville Slugger baseball bat. With his partner, Frank Bradsby, he headed the company Hillerich & Bradsby Company Inc., which still manufactures baseball bats.
Louisville Slugger PowerizedPowerized is a term used and stamped onto Louisville Slugger baseball bats, and patented by the Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in 1931. The Powerized" process is to harden the surface of the bat much like the bone rubbed finish of the 1920's. They introduced the "Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo for the 1932 season and in 1933 and 1934 you will see it stamped "Powerized and Oil Tempered" which usually is a very light heat foil type print. Beginning in 1935 until present, they go with just "Powerized"
Ty cobb louisville slugger hillerich & bradsby 33" bat value?
Louisville Slugger branded products like the famous baseball bats are owned and manufactured by the Hillerich & Bradsby Company. This is a private company and as such shares are not traded on any exchanges and this company does not have a ticker symbol.
Hillerich And Bradsby- not the hyphenated thing you emply like Mason-Dixon, is a sporting good manufacturer of mainly- Baseball Bats- the Louisville slugger is a registered trade name here. they are located in Louisville, Ky. They are not a clothes house to my knowledge.
The bat was first known as the Falls City Slugger. The name was changed to Louisville Slugger, and was registered as a trademark in 1894. In 1897 the name of the bat company was changed to J.F. Hillerich and Son. The Hillerich & Bradsby Company has used different oval center brands in their history, as well as different Trademarks. The Bats made from 1997 - 1911 read J.F. HILLERERICH & SON in the center label with TRADEMARK below the label. From the years 1911 - 1916 "Co" is added and the bat reads J.F. HILLERERICH & SON Co. in the center brand, and TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF, below the label. From 1916 - 1929 they drop the word SON and go with HILLERERICH & BRADSBY Co. The bottom of the oval still reads TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF. From 1930 - 1947 - TRADE MARK REG, and from 1948 - 1963 - REG US PAT OFF Starting in 1964 The Trademark is removed from the bottom of the center label, and the Registered trademark "R" is placed after the words Louisville Slugger. In 1973 Registered trademark "R" is also added above the "d" in Powerized. See Related Links below for more information on dating your bat, along with pictures of trademarks, and other bat stampings, visit the Louisville Slugger Bat Dating guide.
The 250 bats date as far back as the 1920's and cannot be used to date your bat. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made.For example: The registered trade mark "R" appears after the words LOUISVILLE SLUGGER starting in 1964 through 1980. Bats made in 1973 -1980 will also have The registered trade mark "R" above the "d" in Powerized. If the bat was made after 1980 the center label will just read Louisville Slugger as the words Hillerich & Bradsby co. were removed.See Related Links below for a Louisville Slugger bat dating guide.
It's worth what someone's willing to pay.
The designation 40 was a secondary line of retail store model bats of the Hillerich & Bradsby co. that started production of this model around 1916. Jimmy Foxx signed a contract with the Hillerich & Bradsby Co on 6-11-1926. If the bat is stamped "powerized" the bat was made after 1931. The 40 model bats would have the player endorsed initials following as 40 J.F. (40 Jimmy Foxx endorse bat) In general a Jimmy Foxx Hillerich & Bradsby 40 model bat is worth about $150.-$200. in excellent-near/mint condition.
Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. For example: a bat made between 1916 - 1929 will have HILLERERICH & BRADSBY Co in the center label as opposed to J.F. HILLERERICH & SON Co as the bats made before. TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF appears below the oval and changed to TRADE MARK REG in 1930. "Bone Rubbed" is a process to harden the surface of the bat and appears on bats made in the 1920s The "Powerized" process was first used, and patented by the Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in 1931 and has pat. pending beneath the stamp. Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo is used during the 1932 season. In 1933 and 1934 you will see it stamped "Powerized and Oil Tempered" which usually is a very light heat foil type print. in 1935 until present, they go with just "Powerized"See Related Links below for more help on dating your bat