I saw one on e-bay sponsored by Kraft a while back. Very rare with all sure to be Hall of Famers in the life size card board stand up. I think it went for close to 4 grand. Great for a sports bar.
I saw one in a sports bar in San Fran They had it behind glass. I think it was signed by Bird and a few others. Nice attraction.
These are very common and have higher regional than national value. In Montana where the Last Stand took place the value in excellent condition is $85 to $165.
aproxamently $23,892
the Death Of Superman poster how much is worth?
It is worth at least fifteen bucks but a poster of when she was young is worth about 30.
Oh, that's a lovely question! The "r value" of a sheet of cardboard refers to its thermal resistance, which helps determine how well it insulates against heat transfer. While cardboard isn't typically used for insulation, you can still appreciate its versatility and eco-friendly qualities in art and crafts. Just remember, every material has its unique beauty and purpose!
what is the vaule of a 1967 family dog production poster worth?
A poster boy serves as a representative of an organization. Poster boys can affect the reputation of an organization both positively and negatively based on how they carry themselves.
No, cheetahs are obligate carnivores and must eat meat. Cardboard has no nutritional value.
The value of a signed Ken Griffey poster will vary depending on the poster and the condition. Some posters are valued at $219.17 up to $1,299.95.
About $600