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Sears put Ted's name on a lot of different 22 rifles. Go to Dick's or Walmart and price a similar (automatic, slide action, bolt action) utility gun. Your used J.C. Higgins will be worth from 1/2 to 2/3 as much as the new one, depending on condition.

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Q: What is the value of a jc Higgins 22 Ted Williams edition?
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What is the value of a jc Higgins model 33 22 cal Ted Williams rifle?

25-140 usd

Who produced the Ted Williams pump with interchangeable barrel?

J.C. Higgins

What was the brand name of guns at sear?

Two of them were Ted Williams and JC Higgins.

What is the value of a Ted Williams model 34 583-3402 with a JC Higgins 4 power scope?

Made by High Standard for Sears in the mid 1950's. Value around $125-$150

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What is the value of a 1934 Ted Williams?

The current price of a 1934 Ted Williams is 0 since it must be a fake.

What is the value of a Ted Williams model 3T 22 Cal rifle in good condition?

In the 25th edition of Gun Traders Catalog, it lists them for $130 in good condition.

What is the value of a ted Williams shotgun?

about 225$$ for used.....

Need a Manual for a JCS Higgins 20 Gauge Bolt action model 583.15?

It will not be easy to find a manual for a JCS Higgins 20 gauge bolt action model 583.15 shotgun. The company, JC Higgins is no longer around and has been replaced by the company, Ted Williams. The company, Ted Williams may be able to help someone find a similar model manual.

Ted Williams 22rifle value?

50-125 USD.

Was J C Higgins sold by sears to Ted Williams?

No, j.c.higgins was made by several gunmakers for sears between 1946 and 1962 for retail. Ted Williams just used his name as a marketing tool for a certain model and number of guns. J Higgins was an employee of Sears that worked his way to the top from the bottom. It's a pretty neat story. When he died they changed to the Ted Williams line.

What is the value of a brand new in the box ted Williams edition 22 cal rifle model number 273.528111 with scope?

You might get 200 from someone who specializes in TW marked firearms.