As for the reproductions they sell in the $75 - 110 range depending on condition. The originals sell in the $1200 to 3500 range depending on condition and various other factors
Only what someone is willing to pay !
Value in good condition is $50.00-$75.00
These are modern reproductions. Depending on condition, $50-$100.
Very Lethal. A Philadelphia Derringer was used to kill President Lincoln.
Modern reproduction of the Philadelphia Deringer. Original has one R, the reproductions are derringer with 2 Rs. Value is typically in the $75-$100 range.
Henry Deringer invented the Derringer in the mid 1800's. President Lincoln was killed with a Philadelphia Derringer.
Bill Derringer was born on October 30, 1940, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Question can't be answered. Not enough information. What are the exact barrel markings and wording? What is the overall condition?
Derringer 2 Shot, 357 Mag, SN 929, what is the value
About $300.
Dozens. The ORIGINAL was Deringer. The later copies were spelled with 2 letters R- Derringer.
What is the value of a Davis Derringer pistol magnum 2 shot?