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Unfortunately, old encyclopedias have little or no value. A library may take them as a donation. Unless they are some sort of special edition or have important signatures, they are essentially worthless.

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11y ago

The complete 24 volumes are worth about 200 British pounds.

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10y ago

A complete set should be worth about $75 - $100 if it is in very good condition.

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12y ago

That was a fantastic year. If I could find a complete set I'd pay upwards to $300 for the complete set in good condition

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11y ago

I found a 1929 set for 149.99 so maybe a around 100.00 or so

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I'm asking you stupid

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11y ago

Two hundred dollars

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Q: What is the value of a complete set of 1960's encyclopedia Britannica?
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The value of a complete set of 1962 Encyclopedia Britannica can vary based on condition, completeness, and demand, but generally, a set in good condition can be worth around $200 to $400. It is recommended to consult with antique book dealers or online auction sites for a more accurate appraisal.

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The value of a 1942 Encyclopedia Britannica World Atlas with a specific certificate number varies based on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It would be best to consult with antique book dealers or auction houses specializing in rare books to get an accurate valuation.