I've seen $50 to $150 but it all comes down to finding a Shaq fan that can't live without it. I have one too. Want another one - I'll sell mine for $500 :-)
Yes, sheet metal can definitely be bent by hand, but it depends on a few factors: Thickness: Thinner gauges of sheet metal (like aluminum flashing or very thin steel) are relatively easy to bend with just your hands or simple tools like pliers. Type of Metal: Softer metals like aluminum and copper are much easier to bend than harder metals like steel. Size of the Sheet: A small piece of sheet metal is much easier to manipulate than a large sheet. Desired Bend Radius: Sharp bends are harder to achieve by hand than gentle curves. For simple bends in thin, soft metals, you can often get away with using just your hands, a sturdy edge (like a table), or basic hand tools. However, for thicker metals, larger sheets, or more precise bends, you'll likely need specialized tools like a sheet metal brake. ADH MACHINE TOOL might have some content relevant to your specific needs.
Abdul-Salaam, Roberta 74 BIO FACT SHEET roberta.abdul-salaam@house.ga.gov Abrams, Stacey 84 BIO FACT SHEET staceyabrams@gmail.com Allison, Stephen 8 BIO FACT SHEET Amerson, Amos 9 BIO FACT SHEET Anderson, Lee 117 BIO FACT SHEET lee.anderson@house.ga.gov Ashe, Kathy 56 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS kathyashe56@mindspring.com Austin, Rick 10 BIO FACT SHEET rick.austin@house.ga.gov Baker, Glenn 78 BIO FACT SHEET glennbakerhr78@bellsouth.net Barnard, Terry 166 BIO FACT SHEET Battles, Paul 15 BIO FACT SHEET p.battles@yahoo.com Bearden, Timothy 68 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Beasley-Teague, Sharon 65 FACT SHEET Benfield, Stephanie 85 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS stuckey@mindspring.com Benton, Tommy 31 BIO FACT SHEET tommy.benton@house.ga.gov Black, Ellis 174 BIO FACT SHEET blackellis@bellsouth.net Brooks, Tyrone 63 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Bruce, Roger 64 BIO FACT SHEET rbruce5347@aol.com Bryant, Bob 160 BIO FACT SHEET Buckner, Debbie 130 BIO FACT SHEET debbie.buckner@house.ga.gov Burkhalter, Mark 50 BIO FACT SHEET mark.burkhalter@house.ga.gov Burns, Jon 157 BIO FACT SHEET jon.burns@house.ga.gov Butler, Mark 18 BIO FACT SHEET Byrd, Charlice 20 BIO FACT SHEET Carter, Amy 175 BIO FACT SHEET amy.carter@house.ga.gov Carter, Buddy 159 BIO FACT SHEET bcarter331@aol.com Casas, David 103 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Chambers, Jill 81 FACT SHEET jill.chambers@house.ga.gov Channell, Mickey 116 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Cheokas, Mike 134 BIO FACT SHEET Coan, Mike 101 BIO FACT SHEET repcoan@charter.net Cole, Jim 125 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS jim@votecole.com Coleman, Brooks 97 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Collins, Doug 27 FACT SHEET doug.collins@house.ga.gov Collins, Toney 95 BIO FACT SHEET Cooper, Sharon 41 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Cox, Clay 102 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS clay.cox@house.ga.gov Crawford, Rick 16 BIO FACT SHEET rick.crawford@house.ga.gov Davis, Hardie 122 BIO FACT SHEET hardie.davis@house.ga.gov Davis, Steve 109 BIO FACT SHEET steve.davis@house.ga.gov Dawkins-Haigler, Dee 93 BIO FACT SHEET dee.dawkins-haigler@house.ga.gov Day, Burke 163 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Dempsey, Katie 13 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS katie.dempsey@house.ga.gov Dickson, Tom 6 BIO FACT SHEET tom.dickson@house.ga.gov Dobbs, Elly 53 BIO FACT SHEET elly.dobbs@house.ga.gov Dollar, Matt 45 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS matt.dollar@house.ga.gov Dooley, Pat 38 BIO FACT SHEET Drenner, Karla 86 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS dren16999@aol.com Dukes, Winfred 150 BIO FACT SHEET Ehrhart, Earl 36 BIO FACT SHEET earl@ehrhart.4emm.com England, Terry 108 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS englandhomeport2@alltel.net Epps, Carl 128 BIO FACT SHEET carl.epps@house.ga.gov Epps, Bubber 140 BIO FACT SHEET bubber.epps@gmail.com Everson, Melvin 106 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS mjeverson@bellsouth.net Floyd, Hugh 99 BIO FACT SHEET hughfloyd@mindspring.com Fludd, Virgil 66 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS vfludd@mindspring.com Franklin, Bobby 43 BIO FACT SHEET Frazier, Gloria 123 FACT SHEET frazier26@comcast.net Fullerton, Carol 151 BIO FACT SHEET carol.fullerton@house.ga.gov Gardner, Pat 57 BIO FACT SHEET pat@patgardner.org Geisinger, Harry 48 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Glanton, Mike 76 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS mikeglanton@mikeglanton.com Golick, Rich 34 BIO FACT SHEET rich.golick@house.ga.gov Gordon, J. Craig 162 BIO FACT SHEET craig.gordon@house.ga.gov Graves, Tom 12 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS tom.graves@house.ga.gov Greene, Gerald 149 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS gerald.greene@house.ga.gov Hamilton, Mark 23 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Hanner, Bob 148 BIO FACT SHEET Harbin, Ben 118 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS ben.harbin@house.ga.gov Harden, Buddy 147 BIO FACT SHEET ohhjr@sowega.net Harden, Michael 28 BIO FACT SHEET michael@voteharden.com Hatfield, Mark 177 BIO FACT SHEET mhatfield@wayxcable.com Heard, Keith 114 BIO FACT SHEET keith.heard@house.ga.gov Heckstall, Joe 62 FACT SHEET PRESS Hembree, Bill 67 BIO FACT SHEET bill.hembree@house.ga.gov Henson, Michele 87 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Hill, Calvin 21 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS chill@gilainc.com Hill, Cecily 180 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS cecily@cecilyhill.com Holt, Doug 112 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Horne, Billy 71 FACT SHEET PRESS gahouse71@yahoo.com Houston, Penny 170 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Howard, Henry "Wayne" 121 BIO FACT SHEET wayne.howard@house.ga.gov Hudson, Sistie 124 BIO FACT SHEET Hugley, Carolyn 133 BIO FACT SHEET carolyn.hugley@house.ga.gov Jackson, Mack 142 BIO FACT SHEET Jacobs, Mike 80 FACT SHEET PRESS repjacobs@comcast.net James, Lynmore 135 BIO FACT SHEET lynmore.james@house.ga.gov Jerguson, Sean 22 BIO FACT SHEET sean@electsean.com Johnson, Celeste 75 FACT SHEET Johnson, Terry 37 BIO FACT SHEET terryjohnson@cobb.net Jones, Jan 46 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS jan.jones@house.ga.gov Jones, Sheila 44 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Jordan, Darryl 77 FACT SHEET PRESS Kaiser, Margaret 59 BIO FACT SHEET mkaiser2@comcast.net Keen, Jerry 179 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS jerry.keen@house.ga.gov Keown, Mike 173 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS mike@mikekeown.com Knight, David 126 BIO FACT SHEET Knox, Tom 24 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Lane, Bob 158 BIO FACT SHEET bob.lane@house.ga.gov Lane, Roger 167 FACT SHEET PRESS rogerlane167@hotmail.com Levitas, Kevin 82 BIO FACT SHEET kevinlevitas@bellsouth.net Lindsey, Edward 54 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS edward.lindsey@house.ga.gov Long, Ralph 61 BIO FACT SHEET Loudermilk, Barry 14 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Lucas, David 139 BIO FACT SHEET Lunsford, John 110 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Maddox, Billy 127 BIO FACT SHEET Maddox, Gene 172 BIO FACT SHEET topdrawer@mchsi.com Mangham, Randal 94 BIO FACT SHEET repmangham@gmail.com Manning, Judy 32 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Marin, Pedro "Pete" 96 BIO FACT SHEET marinstatehouse@aol.com Martin, Chuck 47 FACT SHEET PRESS Maxwell, Howard 17 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS May, Jeff 111 BIO FACT SHEET jeff.may@house.ga.gov Mayo, Rahn 91 BIO FACT SHEET rahn.mayo@house.ga.gov McCall, Tom 30 BIO FACT SHEET tommccall@bellsouth.net McKillip, Doug 115 BIO FACT SHEET doug@dougmckillip.com Meadows, John 5 BIO FACT SHEET Millar, Fran 79 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS fran.millar@wachovia.com Mills, James 25 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS james.mills@house.ga.gov Mitchell, Billy 88 BIO FACT SHEET billy.mitchell@house.ga.gov Morgan, Alisha 39 FACT SHEET alisha@alishamorgan.com Morris, Greg 155 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Mosby, Howard 90 BIO FACT SHEET Murphy, Quincy 120 BIO FACT SHEET quincy.murphy@house.ga.gov Neal, Jay 1 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS jay.neal@house.ga.gov Nix, Randy 69 BIO FACT SHEET randy.nix@house.ga.gov O`Neal, Larry 146 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Oliver, Mary Margaret 83 BIO FACT SHEET mmo@mmolaw.com Parham, Bobby 141 FACT SHEET Parrish, Butch 156 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS butch.parrish@house.ga.gov Parsons, Don 42 FACT SHEET PRESS repdon@donparsons.org Peake, Allen 137 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS allen@allenpeake.com Porter, DuBose 143 BIO FACT SHEET Powell, Alan 29 BIO FACT SHEET alanpowell23@hotmail.com Powell, Jay 171 BIO FACT SHEET jpowell@camillaga.net Pruett, Jimmy 144 BIO FACT SHEET Ralston, David 7 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Ramsey, Matt 72 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Randall, Nikki 138 BIO FACT SHEET nikki.randall@house.ga.gov Reece, Barbara Massey 11 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS barbara.reece@house.ga.gov Reese, Bobby 98 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS bobby.reese@house.ga.gov Rice, Tom 51 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS tom.rice@houes.ga.gov Richardson, Glenn 19 FACT SHEET glenn.richardson@house.ga.gov Roberts, Jay 154 BIO FACT SHEET jay.roberts@house.ga.gov Rogers, Carl 26 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS carl.rogers@house.ga.gov Rynders, Ed 152 BIO FACT SHEET erynders@bellsouth.net Scott, Austin 153 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Scott, Martin 2 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS martin.scott@house.ga.gov Sellier, Tony 136 BIO FACT SHEET reptonysellier136@msn.com Setzler, Ed 35 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS ed.setzler@house.ga.gov Shaw, Jay 176 BIO FACT SHEET jay.shaw@house.ga.gov Sheldon, Donna 105 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS donna.sheldon@house.ga.gov Shipp, Robbin 58 FACT SHEET robbin@shippforus.com Sims, Barbara 119 FACT SHEET PRESS barbara.sims@house.ga.gov Sims, Chuck 169 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Sinkfield, Georganna 60 BIO FACT SHEET Smith, Bob 113 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS bob.smith@house.ga.gov Smith, Lynn 70 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS lynn.smith@house.ga.gov Smith, Richard 131 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS richard@smithforgeorgia.com Smith, Tommy 168 BIO FACT SHEET Smith, Vance 129 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS vance.smith@house.ga.gov Smyre, Calvin 132 FACT SHEET calvinsmyre@synovus.com Stephens, Mickey 161 BIO FACT SHEET mickeystephens@gmail.com Stephens, Ron 164 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS quickrxdrugs@yahoo.com Stephenson, Pam 92 BIO FACT SHEET pam.stephenson@house.ga.gov Talton, Willie 145 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Taylor, Rashad 55 BIO FACT SHEET rashadjtaylor@gmail.com Teilhet, Rob 40 BIO FACT SHEET rteilhet@yahoo.com Thomas, Brian 100 BIO FACT SHEET Thompson, Lee 104 BIO FACT SHEET vlt@thompson-sweeny.com Walker, Len 107 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS lwalker107@gmail.com Weldon, Tom 3 BIO FACT SHEET Wilkinson, Joe 52 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS joe@joewilkinson.org Willard, Wendell 49 FACT SHEET wendell.willard@house.ga.gov Williams, Al 165 BIO FACT SHEET al.williams@house.ga.gov Williams, "Coach" 89 BIO FACT SHEET earnest.williams@house.ga.gov Williams, Mark 178 FACT SHEET PRESS mark@markwilliams.com Williams, Roger 4 BIO FACT SHEET PRESS Wix, Don 33 BIO FACT SHEET Yates, John
Press and hold the Ctrl key and then press the Page Up key.
A perfecting press is a press that prints both sides of a sheet in one pass.
Sheet-fed offset printing is a method in which individual pages of paper are fed into the machine. This printing method is popular for small and medium-sized fixed jobs such as limited-edition books.
Broad sheet Tabloid Press Papers Rag
Press Ctrl - Page Down.
mechanical press is a machine used in cold working of metals, usually in form of thin sheet or strip.
You use the Ctrl key with the mouse to do it.
Type the text or value you want as the hyperlink into a cell. Select the cell. Press and hold the Ctrl key and then press K. The hyperlink dialog box will come up. From that you can choose to put a link into the same document and choose the Sheet and cell on it that you want to link to.
use a punch press or drill it
press shift and F11