Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
Collectors will pay more for inscriptions like "HOF 55"or "# 5", and pay less for personal inscriptions like "Good Luck Chuck"
In a recent auction a Joe DiMaggio single signed baseball sold for $507. A Joe Dimaggo ball signed "Joltin' Joe" sold for $1,553. A #5 Inscribed ball sold for $657.
For more Information on autographed baseballs visit the link I left below.
A joe DiMaggio single signed baseball is worth between $500-$750 as of January 2012.
Value is based on Sports Memorabilia websites. This value is based of a ball in good condition and with a COA. A ball without proper authenticity could sell at less then market value. An autograph in bad condition can still sell in the $400-$600 range. Inscriptions such as HOF 55 or 56 games add to the value while personal inscriptions decrease value. Vintage balls from DiMaggio's playing years add to the value
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The 1938 Goudey Joe DiMaggio is considered his rookie card, and sells for about $4,000. and up in excellent+ condition. The same card graded by PSA in near/Mint-Mint condition could sell between $15,000. AND $40.000.
A good way of finding the value of collectible items is to see what they are selling for at auction. eBay would be a good yardstick for this. Regardless of what an item is listed for in a "price guide" the true value is what collectors are currently paying for it.
In general Post war Joe DiMaggio signature model gloves sell for $150. in good condition to $350. in near/Mint condition. Pre War Joe DiMaggio signature model Gloves sell for $250. -$600.
Import gloves sell between $50.-$75. the same with Hutch DiMaggio Gloves which has his last name only in signature style, but it is believed to be the Vince DiMaggio signature.
Youth gloves will sell for less, and Condition is important on putting a value on a glove. Most common flaws with Gloves are: loose or broken lacing/webbing, Dry or cracking leather, ripped Manufacturer label on back, printing on glove worn out, and the person who owned the glove, name on it.
For more information I will leave a link below to a Spalding Joe DiMaggio Signature Model 133 Split Finger Baseball Glove. A baseball glove dating guide, and a baseball glove graging guide.
Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
A Joe DiMaggio single signed baseball is worth between $400.-$600.
Joe DiMaggio single signed 8 x 10 Photo is worth between $175.-$275. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. Collectors will pay more for inscriptions like "HOF 55"or "# 5", and pay less for personal inscriptions like "Good Luck Chuck" A Joe Dimaggo ball signed "Joltin' Joe" In a recent auction a DiMaggio single signed baseball sold for $507. A Joe Dimaggo ball signed "Joltin' Joe" sold for $1,553. A #5 Inscribed ball sold for $657. In a recent auction a DiMaggio signed photo sold for $191. For more Information on autographed baseballs visit the link I left below.
A 1948-49 Leaf Jackie Robinson rookie card number 79 has a book value of about $1,800.00 in Near Mint - Mint condition and $325.00 - $550.00 in Very Good - Excellent condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
The 1938 Goudey Joe DiMaggio is considered his rookie card, and sells for about $4,000. and up in excellent+ condition. The same card graded by PSA in near/Mint-Mint condition could sell between $15,000. AND $40.000.
A good way of finding the value of collectible items is to see what they are selling for at auction. eBay would be a good yardstick for this. Regardless of what an item is listed for in a "price guide" the true value is what collectors are currently paying for it.
The 1938 Goudey Joe DiMaggio is considered his rookie card, and sells for about $4,000. and up in excellent+ condition. The same card graded by PSA in near/Mint-Mint condition could sell between $15,000. AND $40.000.
A good way of finding the value of collectible items is to see what they are selling for at auction. eBay would be a good yardstick for this. Regardless of what an item is listed for in a "price guide" the true value is what collectors are currently paying for it.
A Joe DiMaggio single signed baseball is worth between $400.-$600.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
Collectors will pay more for inscriptions like "HOF 55" or "# 5", and pay less for personal inscriptions like "Good Luck Chuck"
Here is a list of the highest selling prices for Joe DiMaggio signed memorabilia: Baseball- $3,092.51 Bat- $6,158.784 Jersey- $9,003.50 Photo- $2,336.70
Here is a list of the highest selling prices for Joe DiMaggio signed memorabilia: Baseball- $3,092.51 Bat- $6,158.784 Jersey- $9,003.50 Photo- $2,336.70
1939 Joe DiMaggio single signed baseballA Joe DiMaggio single signed baseball is worth between $400.-$600. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. If the ball was dated and inscribed by Joe DiMaggio "1939"it will have added value or if it can be authenticated as such.
A 1998 New York Yankees Commemorative Joe Dimaggio Day Rawlings Official American League Gene A Budig Baseball is worth about $10. -$15. with the box. These baseballs were used in the game honoring Joe DiMaggio on Sept. 27, 1998 Joe DiMaggio Day at Yankee Stadium. He was presented with replicas of nine World Series rings that were stolen. The baseball features a "NY" Yankees logo with an image of Joe DiMaggio, and facsimile signature.
I cannot help you with a value without knowing the other signatures that appear on the baseball with Joe DiMaggio. It is difficult to put a value on a multi signed baseball. The value of the signatures cannot be added up to come up with a total. Multi-signed baseballs are valued as a whole, and how desired the signatures are as a group. Team signed baseballs are multi signed baseballs as well. Team signed New York Yankees baseballs that feature Joe DiMaggio's signature range in price from $650. (1940) -$4,500. (1937 also features Gehrig) A Joe Dimaggio single signed baseball is worth about $400.-$600. If you add signatures of less desired players the value could go down from there. A 1968 Oakland Athletics Team Signed Baseball that features Joe DiMaggio's signature is worth about $200.-$300. Prices will vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
== == A Joe DiMaggio single-signed baseball is worth between $400.-$600.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. Collectors will pay more for inscriptions like "HOF 55"or "# 5", and pay less for personal inscriptions like "Good Luck Chuck." If the baseball is inscribed "1937" by Joe DiMaggio it will have added value. In a recent auction a Joe DiMaggio single-signed baseball sold for $507. A Joe DiMaggio ball signed "Joltin' Joe" sold for $1,553. A #5 inscribed ball sold for $657. == == == == == ==
A Joe DiMaggio single-signed baseball is worth between $400.-$600. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. The 1994 World Series baseball will not add value but, could make the signature more desired. In a recent auction a Joe DiMaggio single-signed baseball sold for $507.
Joe DiMaggio Brooks Robinson Dual Signed BaseballA Joe DiMaggio Brooks Robinson dual signed baseball is worth about $300. -$350The value of multi signed baseballs cannot be priced by the value of each signature added up. Multi signed baseballs are valued as a group of signatures, and how desired that group is as a whole. This does not necessarily mean that two signatures will sell for less than one, but in most cases it does, or at least not the full value of the two signatures added up.Groups of signature that are connected by a theme, such as a team, Hall of Famers, 300 win pitchers or 300 hit club or teammates will have a higher value than random signatures of players. DiMaggio and Robinson have no connection except being in the HOF, and would be less desired to collectors. The Joe DiMaggio signature would have a higher value by itself.
Joe DiMaggio Brooks Robinson Dual Signed BaseballA Joe DiMaggio Brooks Robinson dual signed baseball is worth about $300. -$350The value of multi signed baseballs cannot be priced by the value of each signature added up. Multi signed baseballs are valued as a group of signatures, and how desired that group is as a whole. This does not necessarily mean that two signatures will sell for less than one, but in most cases it does, or at least not the full value of the two signatures added up.Groups of signature that are connected by a theme, such as a team, Hall of Famers, 300 win pitchers or 300 hit club or teammates will have a higher value than random signatures of players. DiMaggio and Robinson have no connection except being in the HOF, and would be less desired to collectors. The Joe DiMaggio signature would have a higher value by itself.
The value of multi signed baseballs cannot be priced by the value of each signature added up. Multi signed baseballs are valued as a group of signatures, and how desired that group is as a whole. This does not necessarily mean that two signatures will sell for less than one, but in most cases it does, or at least not the full value of the two signatures added up. A Joe DiMaggio single signed baseball is worth about $400.-$600. A Dom DiMaggio single signed baseball is worth between $50.-$60. The value of a Joe & Dom DiMaggio dual signed baseball should be between $200.-$400. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.