It depends on the style of seat and condition, values range from $200-2000.
Yankee stadium has the largest seat capacity.
There is 32,500 seat's at the walkers stadium Leicester
The price for stadium seats in the Yankee Stadium in New York varies greatly depending on what occasion the tickets are for. If one is interested in attending a baseball game at Yankee Stadium and pays an advanced price the lowest seat price is %55 to $70 in the main level green section. The highest price is in the Field MVP section with advanced pricing at between $250 and $300 per seat.
127899 people
Robertson Stadium-32000 people
it depends from what stadium
These are going for between $1200 and $1800 each, depending on what kind of shape it is in. Now that I have answered that....can you tell me what that plaque looks like and where it is attached? I have a seat that does not have a plaque.
There are over 100,000 seats in the mogadishu football stadium
Stadium seats are becoming a very popular and highly sought after collectible in the last few years. The going price for seats from newer stadiums are selling for about $500 a seat in general.I haven't seen too many Briggs Stadium seats lately, to give you an accurate current price. In general about $1,000. per figural seat minimum would be a ballpark price for a Briggs ballpark seat. $500.- $1,000. for a non-figural seat. Condition is important. Used and not abused condition would be most preferred. refinished seats might sell for a little less (collectors preference). Seats that show signs of rust or rotted wood from poor storage will bring a low value.a figural aisle double seat from Navin Field is selling for $2,750.00 A figural seat will have legs with a fancy design.If I come across more information on prices for Briggs Stadium seats I will up date this page. They are for sale at with
Sun Life Stadium, in Miami, was the stadium used by the Florida Marlins; and can seat almost 75,000 fans. It will no longer be used after this season. The Oakland A's, however, will continue to play in Oakland Alameda Stadium with a seating capacity of 63,000.
Section 104, row 30, seat 9 at Gillette Stadium is on the east side of the stadium (Patriots side), 4 rows from the top of the section.