The Jersey is 343.99
The Helmet is 823.99
The Framed Autograph 723.99
Dave Duerson's birth name is David Russell Duerson.
Dave Duerson is 6' 1".
Dave Duerson was born on November 28, 1960, in Muncie, Indiana, USA.
Dave Duerson died on February 17, 2011, in Miami, Florida, USA.
Strong Safety
Dave Duerson, Mark Zavagnin, Torrie
What is the value of a Margret Mitchel autograph on a land deed/
The value of a James Bond actors autograph varies depending on the actor, the signature, the picture and the condition of the autograph.
No. A stamped autograph is not an autograph. It has zero value.
What is a Louis Armstong autograph worth
Well I paid £45 pounds for an autograph
The value of a Vince Lombardi autograph would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would include the authenticity and condition of the autograph.