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it is about $$1500.00 + tax buy its really rare and if you have one you should keep it i wouldn't sell it.

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16y ago
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14y ago

well there are lots of fake World Series bats .but autographed Louisville slugger bats go for about 500$ TO 2000$

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Q: What is the value of a 2001 St. Louis Cardinals baseball bat autographed by Albert Pujols Mark McGwire and Jim Edmonds?
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in st.loius,misouri . he is the coach for the st.louis cardinals baseball team

When was Mark McGwire signed by the St. Louis Cardinals?

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Mark McGwire played for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1998.

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What teams did Mark McGwire play for?

A's, Cardinals

What years did mark Mcgwire play in the world series?

Ummm....what? Mark McGwire never played for the Cubs. He started playing for the Cardinals in 97. mark mcgwire started with the Oakland a"s then he went to the cardinals

Who is Mark McGwire?

Mark McGwire (born October 1, 1953 in Ponoma, California) is a former Major League Baseball player who played for the Oakland Athletics and St. Louis Cardinals over a 15-year career. McGwire has been World Series Champion as both a player and a coach.

Who is the home run star of the St Louise Cardinals?

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How much is a piggy bank worth if it is signed by Mark McGwire?

Not MuchNot very much. An autographed baseball is what the regular price for any baseball autograph. Piggy banks and sheets of paper are only worth 10% of any baseball autograph. Mark Mcgwire's auto baseball is worth $150. - $250. dollars so that piggy bank of yours is worth 80 dollars

Has Mark McGwire ever played for the Los Angeles Dodgers?

No, he has not. Mark McGwire only played for the Oakland Athletics and the St. Louis Cardinals.

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Mark McGwire with 405, 159 with the St. Louis Cardinals and 246 with the Oakland Athletics.