The value of an Alexander Volkov NBA Hoops rokie card that has not been signed can range in value from $3 to $100, depending on the edition, the year, and its overall condition.
signed $70.00
About 100,001. 29
The value of Sidney Moncrief's 1990 NBA Hoops card is worth anywhere from $0.13 to a few dollars, depending on its condition.
roughly $1-$2. NBA Hoops were produced in large quantities. Only the final card (353 Detroit Pistons champs!) 1st printing has any real value. 1989 was the beginning of "non-baseball" cards going up. so just about any non baseball sport card was over produced and hoarded starting in 1989.
less than a buck.
about 60 cents.
yes, roughly worth $10.00 in mint condition.