A 1986 Los Angeles Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures:Guerrero, Valenzuela, and Hershiser is worth about $75.-$100.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable.
If you are not sure what year the baseball is from see Related Links below for the team signed baseballs price guide, which includes links to full team rosters, to help you figure out the year. Searching for the player that played the least amount of time will help you figure it out faster.
If you are not sure of the year, you could also be unsure if the signatures are authentic or even hand signed. The signatures could be Stamped on as with souvenir baseballs. I will leave a link to help you determine if the signatures are hand signed or facsimile (stamped). You don't want to try and sell a baseball as authentic if it is a souvenir ball.
Once you are sure that the signatures are authentic, you could sell the baseball on eBay and get a fair market value. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less, and you might want to look into having the ball authenticated.
If you sell the ball to a dealer you will only get about half the market value, more or less depending on how long the dealer feels it will take to sell. Also see Related Questions below.
As of June 2014 if ball is signed and PSA/DNA certified by Steve Grad and James J. Spence Jr it is unique with Dr Mike Marshall's very rare ball signature. Auction value $3,000 to 4,000 dollars. Secondly signatures of Joey Amalfitano alone on a SS Ball run over 250.00 dollars alone. Add also Ken Landreaux at 150.00 dollatrs as a SS ball and you can see why this singular ball is valued. These team balls we all one of a kind and not mass produced. The number of signatures varies greatly also with the expensive ball mentioned having 26 Autographs.
Probably around $1.5k
Dodgers team signed baseballTo find the value of a Brooklyn or Los Angeles Dodgers team signed baseball you would have to first see if the signatures can be attributed to a single year. If the signatures are of players from different years then the baseball could have a lower value. To quicken your search find the player that played the least amount of time for the team.
The value of the 2002 baseball card will rely on who signed the card. Once a collectible baseball card is signed the value of the card dramatically goes down as a collectible. The card then becomes an Item to display the signature. The bulk of the value relies on the value of the signature of the player that signed the card, and how well the card displays the signature. In general a signed baseball card is worth about 30% - 40% the price of a signed baseball or the same price of a signed 8 x 10 photo. A high valued card can add some value.
1951 Brooklyn Dodgers Team Signed BaseballA 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Robinson, Reese, Newcombe, Snider, Hodges, Campanella, and Roe is worth about $2,250.-$4,000. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable.The box has a separate value and could be sold alone (Ford Frick or Warren Giles baseball $25.-$50 price range) or thrown in with the team signed baseball. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less.
To have a pre-signed (facsimile signature) baseball card "hand signed" as opposed to a baseball card without a "pre signed" signature "hand signed" is not the question, rather should you have a baseball card signed at all? It is not always a good idea to have a baseball card signed. Collectible items could add value to the price of a signature but not always. As in the case of a baseball card, generally a collector of baseball cards would rather have a baseball card without the signature. The signature would be considered as a flaw in the condition of the card and will lower the value. A collector of signatures will not always pay extra for the "collectible" baseball card. The autograph collectors main concern is displaying the signature. This is why it is not a good idea to have an expensive baseball card signed. You could devalue the price of the card, and get less for it. Even if the baseball card has a low value today, if the price goes up in the future the value will be diminished by the signature. Once a collectible baseball card is signed the value of the card dramatically goes down as a collectible. The card then becomes an Item to display the signature. The bulk of the value relies on the value of the signature of the player that signed the card, and how well the card displays the signature. If you feel that the card will have no future value then you will be doing no harm. Then if the card is "pre signed" or not will effect the value as how well the hand signed signature is displayed, If the "pre-signed" signature does not distract from the hand signed signature. The signature should be bold and standout in contrast to the printing on the baseball card. In general a signed baseball card is worth about 30% - 40% the price of a signed baseball or the same price of a signed 8 x 10 photo. A high valued baseball card might add some value to the signature, but the signature is the collectible not the card.
1990 Los Angeles Dodgers Team Signed BaseballA Los Angeles Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Lasorda, Murry, Gibson, and Valenzuela is worth about $100.-$125.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable.If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less.
The Brooklyn Dodgers moved to Los Angeles after the 1957 season. The baseball you have if from 1964 is a Los Angeles team signed baseball. A 1964 Los Angeles Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Alston, W. Davis, Koufax, Drysdale, Howard, Wills, and T. Davis is worth about $250.-$400. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less. For more information on team signed baseballs, links to full team rosters, key signatures, and price guide see Related Links below.
In general a signed Baseball card is worth about 30% - 40% the price of a signed baseball or the same price of a signed 8 x 10 photo. Collectible items could add value to the price of a signature but not always. As in the case of a baseball card, generally collectors of baseball cards would rather have a baseball card without the signature. The signature would be considered as a flaw in the condition of the card and will lower the value. A collector of signatures will not always pay extra for the "collectible" baseball card. The autograph collectors main concern is displaying the signature. This is why it is not a good idea to have an expensive baseball card signed. You could devalue the price of the card, and get less for it. Once a collectible baseball card is signed the value of the card dramatically goes down as a collectible. The card then becomes an Item to display the signature. The bulk of the value relies on the value of the signature of the player that signed the card, and how well the card displays the signature.
The baseball is worth a price close to $65. The exact price will depend upon the condition that the baseball is in.
The autographed baseballs are valued at a price between $40 and $60. The exact price will depend upon the condition of the baseball and when it was signed.
1974 Los Angeles Dodgers Team Signed BaseballA 1974 Los Angeles Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Alston, Garvey, Sutton, John, Buckner, Cey, and Marshall is worth about $150.-$250. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable.If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less. For more information on team signed baseballs, links to full team rosters, key signatures, and price guide visit the following page from the link I left below.
Visit the Brooklyn Dodgers Team Signed Baseball Price Guide located below. (See Related Links). The price guide features links to full team rosters to help you figure out what year the baseball is from. Searching for the players that played the least amount of time for the team will help you figure it out quicker. Once you have narrowed it down to one year the price guide also provides a list of key signatures for that year. These signatures are the most important on getting top value.