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A 1970 All-Star Ballot is worth about $15.-$20.

1970 was the first year the vote was entrusted to the fans since 1958. Between 1933, and 1958 ballots were printed up by local newspapers, and publications to make it easier for the fans to vote. Each position player was to be written in, and placed into a ballot box or mailed.

In 1933 Arch Ward, the sports editor of the Chicago Tribune, put together the first All-Star Game as a part of Chicago's Exposition that year. The All-Star Game managers selected the entire lineups from 1933 to 1946. Starting in 1947 the fans were entrusted with selection of the starting lineups until 1957 when the Cincinnati Reds fans stuffed the ballot box and selected 7 Reds and Stan Musial. The Cincinnati Enquirer had printed up pre-marked ballots and distributed them with the Sunday newspaper to make it easy for Reds fans to vote often. Commissioner Ford Frick stepped in to replace two of the Cincinnati starters and, in 1958, balloting was taken away from the fans and given to major league players, coaches, and managers. Voting was restored to the fans in 1970 and has been entrusted to them ever since.

For more information, and pictures I will leave a link below to a 1970 Official All-Star Game Ballot Box Display, and Ballot. I will also leave a link to a 1956 official All-Star game ballot, printed, and distributed by the Chicago Tribune.

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