To find the value for a specific bobble head doll you need to identify the year or ear the bobble head was sold, and the company that sold them. Some wehe stadium give aways. Others sold at the souvenir stands at the stadium. From 1961- 1963 the White base, baseball series Bobbing Head doll was isssued. This was the first comprehensive series of major league baseball bobbing heads. They originally sold for $1.00 each! It included examples from 20 different franchises
all you have to do is find a bobble head, pick it up, then active your bobble head stand and it will show up on it.
they are plastic or glass so not alot go to any store and they will have them
Bobble head in French is "tΓͺte branlante".
Willie Mays Bobble HeadThe first baseball team to offer a bobble head giveaway was the San Francisco Giants, which distributed 35,000 Willie Mays bobble head dolls at a 1999 game. They were made by Alexander Global Promotions Inc. and currently sell for about $200.00 I don't know if this bobble head was sponsored by the San Francisco Chronicle. If you know the year it was issued a more accurate value can be given.
Bobble head dolls can be purchased from many companies on the internet. The most common places to check for buying a bobble head doll is eBay, Amazon, or Walmart.
the maximum is 5 bucks Well at least you can buy 5 more boble head toys.
Many of the bobble heads are worth around $50 each. The price will vary depending upon which bobble head one has.
You did not mention who issued the bobble head or the year. In 1992 Sports Accessories Memorabilia (S.A.M.) issued bobbin' head figurines made of Porcelain. The original Bobbin' Heads from the 1960s were made of paper mache. Most of these Figures had production runs between 3,000 and 5,000. A 1992 Mike Schmidt S.A.M. bobble head is worth about $55. in near/mint condition with the origianl box, and C.O.A. See Related Links below for a 1992 S.A.M. Bobble Head price guide
there is no bobble head in Canterbury commons, what one are you trying to find
get a boble head