A 1949 New York Yankees World Series program played at Yankee Stadium is worth about $175.-$200. in excellent - near/mint condition. A 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers World Series program played at Ebbets Field is worth $200.-$250. A Cy Young Jackie Robinson signed 1949 WS Program regardless of which, would probably sell in the neighborhood of $1,500. or more. There is no relation of Cy Young to the 1949 World Series and would not make a desirable item to display the signature, and could keep the price down. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures. As with all collectibles, condition is the most important factor of all providing that the item is authentic. With programs/scorecards the slightest flaws will bring the price down significantly. An exceptional mint condition scorecard could sell for more.
A 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Robinson, Reese, Newcombe, Snider, Hodges, Furillo, Campanella, Roe, and Connors is worth about $900. -$1,500. A 1950 Brooklyn Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Robinson, Reese, Newcombe, Snider, Hodges, Furillo, Campanella, and Roe is worth about $800.-$1,200. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less. If the vasevall has player signatures deomboth years it could have less of a value. For more information on team signed baseballs, links to full team rosters, key signatures, and price guide see Related Links below.
A 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: Robinson, Reese, Newcombe, Snider, Hodges, Furillo, Campanella, Roe, and Connors is worth about $900. -$1,500.
If the baseball is signed by players from both teams it could have a lower value than a ball signed by a single team.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less.
Jackie Robinson Duke Snider dual signed baseballA multi-signed baseball is valued as a group of signatures and how desired that group is as a whole. A Jackie Robinson single signed baseball is worth about $3,000. -$4,000. Adding the Duke Snider signature might lower the value as there would be more collectors in the market for a Jackie Robinson single signed baseball than a Jackie Robinson Duke Snider dual signed baseball. signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
first to be signed as a free agent
in 1947 he signed a paper with branch rickey
The Dodgers signed Robinson to a minor league contract with their Montreal farm club in 1945. In 1946 his first year at Montreal he lead the team to victory in the International league World Series. He was called up to the Dodgers in April 1947 and played in his first major league game (first major league game by a negro (as hey were then called in the twentieth century) on opening day, April 15, 1947.
signed Jackie Robinson (fist black baseball player in the MLB)
they though that Jackie was a good player they though that Jackie was a good player
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The Dodgers signed Jackie Robinson to a contract after the 1945 season when he hit .387 for the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro League. Robinson spent one season in AAA ball playing for Montreal and then the Dodgers purchased his contract on April 10, 1947 and brought him up to the major leagues. Robinson's first game in MLB for the Dodgers was April 15, 1947 against the Boston Braves.
He was drafted into the Army in 1942. He served in Kansas and Texas. When he left the Army in '44, he played in the Negro Leagues. He was never drafted into MLB. In 1945, Branch Rickey, the manager of Brooklyn Dodgers, met with and signed Jackie to play for the minor league Montreal Royals. In April 1947, after a successful spell in the minors, Jackie signed with the Dodgers.
JACKIE ROBINSONSigned by the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first African-American baseball player to play in both the National League, and Major League baseball. Larry Doby was he first African-American player to play in the American League, signed by the Cleveland Indians eleven weeks after Jackie Robinson was signed. you are right
A Jackie Robinson Signed Baseball Bat is worth about $4,500.-$6,000. Jackie Robinson signed bats are very rare, and could sell well abouve the $$10,00 price range. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.