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1937 Who's Who in baseball

Who's Who in Baseball was published annually by Baseball Magazine co. since 1916. Baseball Magazine launched in 1908 was the leading publication of its time for information on the game of baseball. A 1937 Who's Who in baseball with Lou Gehrig on the cover has a book value of about $50.00 - $70.00 in Excellent to Near Mint condition.

Condition is very important. Common flaws with publications would be staining, foxing (yellowing), fading color, stains, creases, rips, loose pages, cracked binding, and writing on the cover. Mailing labels will also lower the value.

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17y ago

Who's Who in Baseball was published annually by Baseball Magazine co. since 1916. Baseball Magazine launched in 1908 was the leading publication of its time for information on the game of baseball. By the 1950s magazines such as The sporting News, Sport, and Sports Illustrated started grabbing the market share, and by 1965 baseball Magazine printed the last issue. Who's Who in Baseball continues to be published to this day.

The Issue from 1940 -1949 range in price from $20. -$70. Covers include players Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, and Stan Musial.

Below I will leave a link to a price guide listing the books year by year, players that appear on the cover. The price guide is based on average prices from recent closed auctions of publications in excellent condition. Issues in mint condition or in less than excellent condition will sell higher or lower accordingly.

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