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The bulk of the value will rely on the authenticity, the condition of the signatures, and how well the signatures display on the Baseball. A clean white baseball would be most preferred, and the "game used" baseball could devalue the signatures if dirty. It would be hard to prove that the baseball was a game used World Series baseball. Provenance from "House of David Jewish League" might not hold much weight. Even if it does the value will still rely on the signatures.

The baseball would have a higher value without the signatures of the opposing team. For example: If you had a 2007 Red Sox team signed baseball you would have no trouble selling the baseball to a Red Sox collector. If you were to add the signatures of members of the New York Yankees to the ball you will have a hard time getting it sold at a quarter of the price.

The Key signatures on getting top dollar would be Babe Ruth, and Lou Gehrig. If these signatures are on the sweet spot it will have a higher value or if the signatures can be viewed together as the baseball is displayed. Rogers Hornsby's signature might add value as well. The baseball will most likely sell to someone looking for a bargain on the Ruth, and Gehrig signatures and the condition of those two signatures is key.

A 1932 New York Yankees Team Signed Baseball with the key signatures: McCarthy, Ruth, Gehrig, Sewell, Dickey, Pennock, Combs, Lazzeri, Ruffing, Gomez, and Allen is worth about $5,500.-$14,000. but you might be looking at the lower half of this price range or less. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less. The House of David Jewish League provenance would not be acceptable as a letter of authenticity to get top dollar for the signatures. You should have ithe baseball authenticated by PSA/DNA or JSA.

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Q: What is the value of a 1932 Yankees team signed WS Game used baseball including signatures of the opposing team with provenance from House of David Jewish League?
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