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Q: What is the value of a 1912 Red Sox Media Guide in very good condition?
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Related questions

What is the value of a 1912 s penny?

The value of a 1912 s penny depends greatly on the condition of the penny. In poor condition, it is only worth a penny, but in very good condition it may be worth $10 or more.

What is the value of a Winchester 1912 16 gauge shotgun?

$650.00 at 90% condition.

What is the value of a 1912 32 Remington rifle?

The exact value of a 1912 32 Remington rifle depends on a couple different things. Most importantly the condition of the rifle.

What is the value of a thermo cup march 1912?

The value of a 1912 Thermo Cup actually depends on a couple different factors. The most important of these factors being the condition of the cup.

What is the value of a 1912 United States nickel?

A 1912 Nickel was called: a Liberty Head 5 Cent piece - if its condition is at least very good (VG8), its value is: $4.00.

What is the value of a Winchester model 1912 serial 100809?

100-600 depending on condition

What is the value of a 1912-D Lincoln wheat penny?

At least $4, more in better condition.

What is the value of a 1912 five dollar gold coin uncirculated?

A 1912 $5 gold coin is worth $600 in MS-60 Uncirculated condition.

What is the worth of a 1912 gold two and one-half dollar with an Indian head and eagle?

July 5, 2009 The 1912 Quarter Eagle has a value in circulated condition from about $230 to $370 depending on the condition of the coin. In uncirculated condition it's value is from about $400 in lower grades to about $25,000 in higher grades.

What is the age and approximate value of a model 1894 with serial number 627504 in original condition?

your model 1894 rifle was made in 1912,as to the value that depends on amount of blueing,condition of the wood,and the condition of the bore etc.

What is the value of Winchester pump action 1902 12 gauge model 1912 serial 166303?

The value of the Winchester pump action 1902 12 gauge model 1912 serial 166303 varies greatly with its condition. This gun can retail for about $200 depending on style and condition.

What is the value of 30 Remington 1912 carbine?

The condition of the good will determine its value. Depending on its condition, the price will range between $275 and $700. Find someone to valuate your gun before selling it.