Generally the women sign the cards so it is appropriate to sign it (example) John and Jane. If it's extremely personal then the male counterpart should also sign the card.
It is still proper etiquette to wait a month or just over a month for a thank you note from the newly married couple because the couple may be on a long honeymoon and just settling into their new lives together.
Individual invitations would be nice. If everyone is invited, post the particulars in a common are and make a brief announcement, and ask people to RSVP by signing up.
Be yourself
Please practice proper etiquette when in public.
Yes. It is proper etiquette, although it is also common for them to decline (but that probably depends on your relationship with him/her).
It's proper etiquette to place a napkin on ones lap before eating. As a gentleman, he followed proper etiquette and opened the door for his wife. Ignoring proper etiquette, he started eating before anyone else at the table had been served. To comply with accepted etiquette, he shut his phone off before the church service began.
Etiquette refers to ones behavior; it is one that is usually prescribed for ones job, profession, duty, gathering, party, etc.To have proper etiquette, one must showcase behavior that is suitable and appropriate for said event, profession, or otherwise. In other words, proper etiquette means suitable behavior.
If the burial is private in Switzerland it considered proper etiquette to publish the obituary after the funeral. If the burial is to be made public, the proper etiquette is to publish an obituary a few days before the funeral.
Exactly the same as the etiquette required by any other nationality
Using proper etiquette on the Internet, including in e-mails, is called "Netiquette".
Dr. and Mrs. or Dr. and Mr.