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Replica sunglasses are usually cheaper "copies" of authentic branded sunglasses such as Gucci, Diesel or Prada etc. Replica sunglasses can vary in quality. If you purchase a pair of replicas from a market stall or from a "$2" shop, the chances of your sunglasses meeting the UV protection safety standards are very slim. In Australia, there are currently 5 categories based on the amount of light that the lenses absorb with 0 (zero) providing minimal protection from UV radiation and sun glare and 4 providing a high level of protection. The most common authentic/designer sunglasses available will have either a category 2 or 3 lens. A category 4 lens may be too dark to use for driving and may come with a warning. All designer sunglasses are required to supply information for their lenses so that the consumer knows how much protection they'll be getting. Because of these regulations, it is safer for the consumer to purchase their sunglasses from a reputable company rather than from a market or a "$2" shop where the products aren't properly regulated.

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