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Actions that appear in the anime do not necessarily reflect real-world game mechanics. In the anime, Pharaoh Atem fuses all three God Cards to create The Creator God of Light, Horakthy. It was the only Monster Ka that could defeat Zorc Necrophades (also known as Zorc the Dark One). Although this monster appears in the anime, it has never been released as an official card by Konami in either the OCG or the TCG.

Currently, only two of the three God Cards have been released as tournament-legal Effect Monsters (The Winged Dragon of Raand Obelisk the Tormentor). Silfer the Sky Dragon is the only card that has yet to be released. This alone, makes it impossible for The Creator God of Light, Horakthy or any similar card to exist.

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Q: What is the card that you get when you fuse the god cards?
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Whats the name of the monster when you fuse the 3 god cards?

It's not a true monster card that you can get, but the god cards were fused to form the Creator of Light - Horakhty to defeat Zork Necrophades in the final season of the original Yu-Gi-Oh series. There was no card to represent it, none of its statistics or effects are known.

How can you tell if an Egyptian god card is fake?

on a normal monster card the edges are white for fake cards otherwise gray or black. god cards basically the same.

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No, A Number or chaos form cannot be destroyed by god cards expect by another number card, spells, or Trap cards.

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It will work depending on what card.

If a winged dragon of ra card has just a gold back is it fake?

the god cards have backs the color of the monster( Ex: Slifer= red back)and the card does not have the regular Yu-Gi-Oh! card design on the back. the colored backs are to distinguish the god cards from regular cards since the god cards cannot be used in a duel.

What is written in Japanese on the Egyptian god cards?

The Japanese text at the bottom of the God Cards says "This card cannot be used in a duel."

Is exodia a god card?

No, none of the five Exodia cards are considered god cards. They are not illegal in any form of play, they are Limited.

Are there god cards on yugioh world championship 2005?

I belive you must join a wireless game with a Yugioh Nightmare troubadour on ds that has a god card. You then can buy the god card for I belive 4,200 DP. The Nightmare Troubadour game will not lose the god card if you buy it, or any other card. This is the only way to get cards like Raigeki, and Monster Reborn.

What do you have to do to fuse Elemental Heroes?

Use cards like Polymerization or Miracle Fusion for the regular fusions. Neospacian fusions do not need an additional card to fuse them, just follow the text on their cards.

Is Uria lord of searing flames a real Egyptian god card?

No, Uria is one of the three 'sacred beasts', who were based on the god cards, but are not god cards themselves.

What card can beat a god card?

The original print God Cards may not be used in any official Duel or tournament in the first place.However, in some Yu-Gi-Oh! video games, the God Cards can be destroyed by cards that do not target. Cards such as Mirror Force, Crush Card Virus, and Lightning Vortexwork.The above cards will also work on the Effect Monster versions of Obelisk the Tormentor and The Winged Dragon of Ra(these two cards are tournament-legal).

Can Egyptian god cards be destroyed?

YES by their effect or by the card "Pyramid Of Light"