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Pee in it

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Q: What is the best way to stay warm with a wet suit?
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Related questions

What is the best way to clean a leather suit?

The best way to clean to a leather suit is to first give the suit a quick wipe. Afterwards, use a leather stain removal spray. Finally, hand wash the suit with luke warm water and mild soap.

What is the best way to keep water warm without using a heating object?

The best way to do so be be to use a good thermal insulator. A thermos flask would suit this purpose.

What is the best way to clean a suit?

The best way to clean a suit is to have it professionally dry-cleaned.

What is the best way of to minimize the risk of dehydration while boating in warm weather?

The best you can do is drink a lot of cold water and stay cool!

How do puppies stay warm besides their fur?

the way puppies and dogs can stay warm besides there fur is they huddle in a certain position and the heat from there fur and what ever they are laying on produces heat that keeps them to stay warm or they can also stay warm by cuddling up to you and laying on your lap that produces heat to help stay warm or they sit next to a heater.

What is the best way to keep my child warm in teh Holloween costume?

There are many websites with some great ways to stay warm on Halloween. Here are some of those: and

Can you cheat for the delta suit in club penguin?

no you can not. i have tried my best but there is no way.

What is the best way to warm up your horse?

lunge them.

What way is the best way to study for a multiple question legal test?

There is a few good way to stay for a multiple question test. The best and easiest way would be to stay the question and look for the answer.

How do you get tar of a cat?

Warm, soapy water is the best way.

What is the best way to stay fit during the holiday season?

The best way to stay fit during the holiday season is to keep active and eat healthy.

Are dogs ever warm?

yes that is why you see them panting that is the only way they stay cool they have no sweat glands.